🖐🏼😭UwU Cute Park DATe🥺🥺🥰🥰

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You walk up to a location that Choro-ZaDDy sent you, it made you happy knowing that he cared 4 chu~!?€£\£\£\|¥|¥¥\ yuh

You look around a see a beautiful park with what seems candles and a pathway to a beautiful cottage with an alter

You blushed when you saw the man of ur dreams in a suit and a table for you both

U: I- did you do all of this?

Chollo:yeah...do you like it???

U:like it?? I Love it!!!❤️😭

Chollo: Ah! D-Dont cry my Luv vwv

U: I'll try it's just that I didn't expect anything ✨Special✨

Cholloro: I just thought the best Hunter and hard working woman could use someone ya know?

U: awwww🥰

(Gon and Killua are in the bushes spying on y'all while trying to not get caught by HISOKA PAPI~! AHH~! 🖐🏼😩💦)

He pulled your chair out so you could sit down and you both talked and ate while having to get rid of HISOKA-KA🖐🏼😘🌝🤮🤮

After you were done he took you in his Broom Broom E' SKirrT skIRrT

U:where are we going now? My love 🥰🥰🥰

Cholloro: Home

U:so soon?

Chollo: you still have energy?

U: Yes Papi~ *makes kissing noises*

Chollo: 😉😏good we're going to need that for later

U:I- o-ok

You blushed hard and he started grabbing ur thigh while kissing u and when y'all got home

😉😏😏😏😉 let's say y'all did the ✨"yk"✨

(Sorry for the font change idk how I did that and ima sleep lol anyways if you want details just say so and I'll try lol)

✨❤️Cholloro🌚 x🌝 FEmaleReAder❤️✨Where stories live. Discover now