First Hunt

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Author's Key:



Telepathy or talking to animals

Demonic voice


Last time on Dragon Ball Z~ I mean Konosuba. We saw our main character Kokai Yurishi failing to complete his quest and only getting  60% of his reward. 

Currently, the Mc is sleeping soundly after yesterday's confrontations.  The sunlight slowly shining on his face. The owner is banging on the door.

Owner: Hey kid, wake up.

Kokai slowly opens his eyes and get's up.

Kokai: Yes sir!

Owner: Good. You need to go out now. I have to clean this place for the horses.

Kokai: Right!

Kokai wore his coat put his sword on his back and then decided to clean his teeth with a tree branch while gargling by using water magic.

Kokai went to the grassland to complete his quest. He greeted the guards as usual. After reaching the grassland. He saw two frogs conveniently away from one another.

Kokai: Thank you, God!

Kokai defeated both the toads easily by slashing their eyes easily.

Kokai: Now to collect the reward.

Time Skip:

Luna: Here's your reward. 2000 Eris.

Kokai: Thanks, Luna.

Miyabi arrived at the spot of the conversation.

Miyabi: So, you ordering this time around.

Kokai: The same as yesterday, please.

Miyabi: You know you should add some variety to your diet. An adventurer needs to be healthy with a balanced diet. We have a new item on our menu. It's basically a salad but we add a new spice that we discovered in it. Would you like to taste it?

Kokai: Sure.

Kokai went to his place and the order arrived.

Kokai went to his place and the order arrived

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Kokai: Woah. A potato salad.

Miyabi: How do you know its name? We just added this to the menu.

Kokai: My mom used to make this for me.

Miyabi: She sounds like a great Mom. Where is she now?

Kokai remembers that his mom is not with him in this world. His expression dropped.

Kokai: Well, you see... my parents are...

Miyabi: I am sorry. I shouldn't have asked that.

Kokai: It's okay. You were just curious.

Konosuba YunYun X OC: God's Blessing on this regretful Young Adult.Where stories live. Discover now