Chapter 14

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Y/N's Pov:

I stood outside of the All Valley Sports Arena with Bert, Miguel, Hawk, Aisha, Nate, Noah and Jacob.
Aisha wasn't apart of Cobra Kai she was just here to watch us all since shes pretty good friends with the team.
Nate, Noah and Jacob were all talking while Miguel was standing next to me Bert, Aisha and Hawk throwing punches.
"Yo Miguel, bro calm down save some for the tournament" Hawk said, watching Miguel aggressively punch the air. "Don't even bother" Aisha said with an eye roll, Miguel is really on winning this thing, also I don't know why but Sam and Miguel haven't talked to each other all day, usually they do talk to each other all the time.
"Where's Sensei the tournaments gonna start soon" Hawk asked looking around.
"He'll be here" Aisha said confidently.
"I don't know about that" Bert said worriedly looking at the ground.
"What are you talking about" Aisha asked as me Her, Hawk and Miguel turned our attention to Bert. "I saw him last night, At the mini mall, I was buying a carton of milk, when I heard him in the parking lot yelling, he was drunk and was also pissing on the back of his car, I asked him if he was okay but than he screamed
'We're all gonna die kid, we're all gonna die'
And than threw the bottle on the floor" Bert said as he rubbed his arm.
"Why didn't you tell us this earlier" I asked a bit scared for Johnny, he wasn't home when I woke up in the morning, I haven't seen him all day.
"I don't know I guess I'm just so used to seeing him drunk I didn't think it was a big deal" Bert said looking from me to Aisha than Hawk.
"Well we're here and he's not so it's officially a big deal, what if something happened to him" Hawk snapped. "Like what" I asked looking from Bert to Hawk. "I don't know, drove his car off a cliff or bought a gun and blew his brains out" Hawk said shrugging his shoulders,
"No Sensei would never kill Himself it's too pussy a move" Aisha said.
"Whatever I mean we're here and he's not so we're gonna have to do this without him" Hawk said as he crossed his arms.
"Do what without me?"
Me, Miguel, Bert, Aisha and Hawk all turned around to see Johnny walking up to us.
"Sensei" Aisha said with relief in her voice.
"We didn't think you were gonna show up" Hawk said also sounding a bit relieved.
"I may not always will but I never back out of a fight" Johnny said looking around at all of us.
"Great let's sign up" Miguel said sounding and looking annoyed.
"Not yet, there's one more lesson I have to teach you" he said as we all started walking towards the entrance, we went inside the building and it was huge, Johnny brought us all over to the side. We were all standing in a circle with Johnny in the middle talking to us.
"You've all learned to strike first, to be aggressive, Not be losers.
I taught you to strike hard, out every ounce of Power behind everything you do.
But I haven't taught you the 3rd rule of Cobra Kai. No Mercy." Sensei said looking around at all of us. "The older you get the more your gonna learn, that life isn't fair, you wake up one morning feeling great, and than life throws a spinning heel kick to your balls. You get an F on a test, you get suspended. You fall in love with a girl, and some other dude comes and steals her away, Car gets set on fire, just when you think things are going good everything falls apart, that's how it goes. life shows no mercy so neither do we. We do whatever it takes to keep our head above water. We do whatever it takes to keep moving forward.
We do whatever it takes to win" Johnny said as he slowly started raising his voice with each word.
"Remember who you are, You're badass, you don't give a shit, you kick ass, you're Cobra Kai" Johnny said still raising his voice.
"Cobra Kai!" Miguel screamed at the top of his lungs. "yeah!" Everyone else Yelled right after him.
"Alright guys let's get down there and kick the shit out of everyone" Johnny said confidently.
"Yeah!" Everyone yelled. Miguel slid his bag off his shoulder and began to pull out his white Gi when Johnny stopped him.
"No, You're not wearing those"
Me and Miguel along with everyone else Looked at Johnny confused but he just smiled.

Me and The rest of Cobra Kai were standing in the hallways waiting as well as all the other Dojo's were for ours to be called out by the announcer.
Announcer— "Welcome everyone to the 50th annual All Valley under 18 Karate Championship"
The Audience cheered and clapped
Announcer— "you'll love the new mats" he said with a laugh. I was really nervous and too focused on my own thoughts to pay attention to what he was saying. What if we lose. What if I get badly hurt. What's gonna Happen. Oh my good I'm so scared and nervous. But stopped Zoning out when I realized he started calling out the Dojo's already. "Fighting out of Topanga we have Topanga Karate" he announced as Topanga Karate ran out from the hallway and up to the side of the mats. We're next oh god I can't do this. "From Reseta Returning to the tournament we have—"  But the announcer was cut off by us.
We all started running out from the hallway in a line chanting. "Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai" All the way until we got to the side of the mat.
The crowd started cheering really loud.
"Now that's what I call an entrance, and a badass name for a dojo. let's hear it for Cobra Kai" The announcer said as the crowd got even louder.
"And finally fighting unaffiliated from North Hills we have Mr. Robby Keene"
I got excited when I heard Robbys name.
When Sam said she was bringing a friend to the Park yesterday it was Robby, he was really nice and even though I just met him yesterday, I think that me and him are gonna be pretty good friends.
Robby than ran out from the hallway, past us and across the mat, I blushed a bit as Robby ran past because when he passed by winked at me.
Announcer— "Alright folks get ready. it's karate time"
Miguel was called onto the mat to fight one of the other Dojo's "okay Gentlemen you know the rules 3 points win, step on the mat" The Ref said.
Johnny whispered something in Miguel's ear before sending him up to the mat.
"Face me, Bow, Face each other bow"
Right after Miguel finished Bowing to his opponent he got into the position of the same Kick that Daniel did when he was fighting Johnny. The kick looked cool, I've always thought that the kick was really cool, Miguel fought that same guy again and won. now Robby was fighting one of the other dojo's. Robby is such a good fighter. He blocked every single punch the other guy threw and than punched him in the stomach. I was having a really good time watching Cobra Kai fight but suddenly got super scared and nervous when my name was called up next. I slowly stepped up on the mat and walked over. "Face me, Bow, Face each other Bow" The Ref said right before yelling "Fight!"

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