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Y/n sighed in irritation as her eyes fell on the watch on her wrist. One hour had already passed, and still there wasn't any one who came to pick her up.........

What a lovely maternal family I have.

She smiled sarcastically and rolled her eyes at her own thoughts. Her stomach had started hurting from hunger as she barely had any meal during the flight, and her head was throbbing badly. Looking at the watch in her hand, she groaned again, leaning her back against the bench she was sitting on.

Y/n cursed her father, as well as his secretary for all the hassle she was going through because of them. Her eyes had already started to droop, and a yawn left her mouth.

Her head dropped back, and a Yelp left her mouth as she shot straight, pain shooting through the back of her head and she cursed. "Hell...."

Apparently she hit her head against the headboard.

Annoyance filled her up, and she stood up. There is a limit that one should not cross until the other one has to cross the limits too...

She frowned, "I have waited far too long now....," She stood up and grabbed her luggage stand, pushing it forward.

I am far too hungry to wait for them to come, and far too rude to just sit here and wait the whole day, when they couldn't care less about picking me up.

As she walked up a little sneer lifted up her lips, and only one thought flashed through her head, damn you father.

She walked in through the door of the cafe, pushing it open and the smell of coffee and cinnamon wafted through her nose, bringing around a warm peace to her mind, making her feel very comfortable. Her mood also lifted up slightly better, as she walked in dragging her bag, finding a seat at the very back, where it was quiet and lonely.

A waiter came up to her with a polite smile as he asked her, "What can I get you, miss?"

Y/n had a cold face, ignorant to the polite attitude displayed, as she placed her order.

After finishing the order placed, there seemed to be a moment of silence, as the waiter blankly stared at her.

Whether he was wondering the food ordered would all be wasted or whether it was that he doubted her ability to pay the bill, Y/n wasn't sure of it.

She raised her perfectly arched eyebrow, as she asked, "Should I pay the bill now?" This seemed to have snapped the waiter out of his thoughts as he gazed at her skeptical, but didn't deny her words, and retreated to get the ordered food.

It was after about half an hour, that her ordered food arrived at her table, as almost there wasn't enough space for all the food, and all of it barely fit enough on the table. That was when Y/n's eyes fell on the people in the cafe, and her hand lifting the fork suddenly paused mid-air. Her eyes became sharp, as she suddenly fiercely stared back at the people staring at her.

Some had the gaze of watching a show in amusement, whilst some were downright filled with ridicule. Her lips lifted up in a sneer, before she loudly asked looking at particularly no one, "Never seen a girl eating?"

All the heads snapped back thier rightful places, as whisper arose in the other wise quiet atmosphere. Y/n's eyes stared down at the huge pile of food that she had ordered. Ofcourse this was the reason people were staring at her. She rolled her eyes. Those people weren't worth her time, nor worth a single thought.

This little bit of staring wasn't something that could bring her shame, as these little things weren't noteworthy in her eyes. If she changed her conveniences according to other's taste, what would be left of her own life?

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