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Jimin, as he held you, was infuriated at the gods for letting you suffer from a fate, that dared bringing tears in eyes. His vampiric self gnawing at him, begged for him to hunt down the bastards that dared hurt his little lady.

You weren't a baby, but Jimin still felt the need to protect you like a gaurdian. His heart clenched painfully everytime he thought a kid going through the pain that you had gone through. With pain came regret, anger and loss.

Regret for asking the stupid question, that brought tears in your eyes. Anger towards your bastard of a father. It wasn't lost on Jimin, how big of an asshole was the man that you called father. He couldn't take care of his own wife, so Jimin didn't put it past him to not care for you or your sister either. He felt angry at the burglars who broke in your house, and killed someone dear without mercy. And he felt loss. The loss that you felt, he felt it just as much. After all you both were destined.....

He imaged the little girl hiding in the closet, mourning for the death of her sister. When he saw you crying, the only thing he saw was that little girl. The girl that never left the closet, the girl who never moved on from that day.

For a moment he wanted to compel the memories out of her head. Wanted to go through those memories himself, and avenge for the girl who died that day saving his mate.

When Jimin saw you Crying, he didn't like it. Not when....., When you should've been, happy, laughing, radiating of that radiant and dazzling smile that you had. When Jimin first saw you, he was going to be honest, he liked what he saw. When your sandal and green apple mixed fragrance wafted through his nose, he was charmed at the instant. Maybe a bit too much. But he did, he liked you so very much he wanted to mark you, the little shocks that travelled through him, when he touched your skin made him feel this electric passionate feeling, that made him almost lose control himself. You appalled him to be closer to him, to keep his eyes on you. To talk with you, to....kiss you.

His heart beat would increase with every little gesture that you made. In a little while, of no more than a few moments, to him you had became his world, and everything had just faded away into non existence. When you smiled at him, that one smile lit up his universe, and when these tears shone your brown doe eyes, there wasn't any other pain that could compare to not being able to comfort you. You were his.

He clenched his eyes shut, as a tear of his own slid down his cheek, at your crying condition. His hand never stopped, moving up and down your back to comfort you. His grip around you tightened, and he left a kiss on your forehead, before quietly apologising, "I-Iam....Mianhe, Y/n...."

His fingers curled around your chin, and he lifted up your face in his hand. A tear cascading down his cheeks, he said again, "I am so sorry.....," He was sorry to have not been there to protect you. To not save you from that pain, that you felt. His emotions had blurred away the current situations from him. He had forgotten, that for you he was just a cousin, a cousin you had just met. For him, you were just his mate. Someone that he loved. And so he acted on his emotions, seeing the visible pain in your eyes.

He lowered his head, his lips softly landing on your lips, making you freeze. He held you close, slowly sucking on your lower lips as he tried to make you forget of whatever that happened in the past.

It was at that moment when he realised something. He should have known it at the moment he had seen you, the moment he had touched you, and was hit with electric currents, but it was at the end this kiss that made him realise the fact that he was fucked up.

He was a vampire, his mate a human. It couldn't last, he knew it. No one would approve of this. Approve of you. But he didn't care. He couldn't, not when you were in his arms, not that when he had already seen the universe in your eyes. Not when he was ready to fight, no matter who.

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