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Y/n threw her bag on the bed, and stretched yawning feeling tired. The room door behind her was closed with a bang making her startled.

She turned around looking at the closed doors, and a smile unconsciously lifted up her lips. Amused, she thought, what a great time, wasn't it?

Just now, her new cousin was scolded for his careless and clumsiness for about half an hour, and was most probably sulking.

An image of him pouting as he looked down flashed through her brain, and somehow left an amused smile in awake.


Y/n frowned, since when did I start calling people cute? She shook her head, trying to clear up the thoughts.

He is hot, but it's better not to indulge in those things whilst here......

She thought bitterly, and grabbed a pair of clothes from the bag and headed to the way Jimin had told her the washroom was, about to take a shower and clean up.

After cleaning up, she decided she didn't want to bother with unpacking her clothes and just threw them of in the cupboard deciding she was far too tired to unpack and clean things up.

She sprawled down on the bed, and finally decided to look through the room she had gotten. It was a room with blue painted walls and was very spacious. It had some Greek vibes, with all those white furniture made of woods, and overall was very comfortable. My bed faced a dressing table, and there was a balcony on the right of the dressing table. After the balcony on the wall on the right side of my room, there was a bathroom door, and on the left side there was a door to a small walk in closet.

(Y/n's Pov)

My eyes fell on the wall, and a strange reflection reflected from a mirror staring right back at me with blank eyes.....


The girl had big doe brown eyes that stared back at me, as the sun light reflected from it. The girl had her hair up in a messy bun, and wore an off white oversized sweater, with some shorts.  Her pale reflection stared back at me, without blinking as if in deep thoughts.

Maybe if she dresses up well, she would be a beauty....

A sardonic mocking smile lifted up her lips, and bitterness entered her eyes, and there she saw it.....the loneliness.

Whom do you have to dress up for huh?

I shook my head, and sighed. There was no use to sympathize myself, the world held a billons of people, and not one of them was truly happy with all they got, no one is satisfied, no one is not suffering, what extraordinary have I done to deserve the empathy?

I got up, and grabbed a book from the bag pack I have packed specially for the books, and jumped up from the bed.

If I am idle, might as well start reading those unfinished books, i don't know if I will later on have time for wasting on reading unfinished books.

I opened up the door of the balcony and stepped in. I was about to sit down on the bean bag placed on the balcony, when I spotted something in the backyard garden. My brows furrowed.

What the-

I saw Jimin standing, staring at the tree talking to the tree? And too, verys seriously if I must stay, my lips twitched.

An amused chuckle left my lips, as I shook my head scoffing, "Imbecile soundrel."

Suddenly his head snapped up in my direction and his eyes widened. My eyebrows raised in surprise, I hadn't even said that loudly.....

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