Run-In (L.Heartfilia)

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Hello lovelies! Another one-shot. You'll find that this and the two after it are FairyTail one-shots. I have another MHA in the making, however my current writing style takes awhile. These are from my alternate account that I don't use, pre-written drafts long forgotten until now. I'm going to just be editing these to put some content out, but hopefully I've made them in this current style as good as I possibly can. Let me know if you have any requests! Italics are what she signs.

It was a bright day in Magnolia. Birds chirping, sun shining bright down on the people of the city. It was a day so fine, that a Mage of the name Erin Yamasaki was strolling through with Lucy Heartfilia. The two were in a very engaging discussion, the two women talking about the aftermath of a job Erin went on. Now, there's somethings to know about Erin. First, she's mute. She can't actually speak, but she communicates through sign-language. Her appearance is quite the contrast to Lucy. She has dark, raven black hair, emerald green eyes, a scar along her neck, and ironically enough, she looks like Rogue. Even her outfit. This wasn't on purpose, no, but it's scary. Her clothing consists of a cloak that covers only halfway down her left side, a black dress-shirt with flowy black pants that go down to her ankles and finally, flip-flops. She didn't like covering her feet with a whole lot. And, the final thing... She's incredibly short. Shorter than Levy. She's probably just as tall as Wendy.

"Wow. I can't believe that actually happened." Lucy said, looking at the other girl.

Erin nodded and smiled. 'I can't believe it either.' She signed. 'It really shocked me. I wasn't expecting his power to be like that, but I beat him of course. Kept that 600,000 Jewel plus I got a fun new toy.' She went on. Her grin was contagious. Lucy couldn't help but mimick the expression.

Lucy smiled. "Oh? And what fun new toy would that be?" Lucy asked with a small giggle. Erin's smile grew wider and she held up a necklace with a large gemstone on it. Lucy looked at it in awe, and tilted her head. "Wow, that's quite the gem you have there. But, what's so exciting about it?" She questioned.

'Well, it helps with my magic. Mira specifically gave me that quest because she knew it would. The gemstone can help tap into someone's mind. It helps advance the manipulation I already can do, and even make it painful. Mind penetration is a hard, forgotten magical spell. Pair it with an item like this and it gets easier and more dangerous.' She explained. She placed the gemstone back in her pocket, turning to face Lucy some more. 'Hey, why don't we grab some lunch? We're close to the guild, might as well go eat something.' Erin suggested it with a smile, and Lucy nodded.

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