My Savior (Wendy Marvell)

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A/N; Please note that this is not a ship. My character is around her mid twenties here while Wendy is as she was in seasons 1-4. Again, this is in no way a ship. My character has physical damage to her brain. It doesn't effect her magic in most ways, but it effects the way she interacts with people. While she doesn't speak up or interact with those her age, she does find an attachment to Wendy. Like a guardian. Her purpose, as she sees it, is to protect Wendy. Once more, this is NOT a ship. Also, this takes place during the Edolas arc where Natsu and Wendy are being drained of their magic energies. I got, well, fired up hearing that and I wanted someone to save Wendy. Enjoy lovelies, thank you~

Nica Alfendorn was a peculiar wizard. She was silent, calculated, and powerful. Her crystal magic was the only in the guild and, hell, in most of Earthland. Something she treasured. She'd joined the Fairy Tail guild after a mission gone wrong left her with brain damage from a young age. She had been in the guild for years, and yet still made no attempt to befriend any of them. That is, until she met Wendy. Something about the child woke something in her, and after she learned of the girl's story and spent time with her, she felt the urge to stay by her side and protect her. She went everywhere with Wendy, much to Carla's dismay of the ever-looming presence of the quiet and deadly individual. She and Wendy were inseparable, and the young wizard didn't mind one bit. And that, was all she could think of while locked in the lacrima, her life and what it had been up until then.

Well, until she'd been broken free with Erza and Gray. She wasn't sure how they'd manage to find Lucy and the others in time. It amazed her that they got there just in time, and she stood, cloaked behind the two, a silhouette in the midst of ice and debris. She stared blankly at Edolas Erza and the guard behind her, confusion playing in her mind like a beating drum as she looked towards her Erza. This would be difficult.

"You've got some nerve, lady." Gray started. "You know they're with us, and you decided to mess with them anyway."

"Anyone who would lay a hand on our fellow guild members will be dealt with accordingly." Erza finished. The two stood up front, glaring down the group before them. Nica simply watched, silence reigning over her and leaving her as an intimidating figure in the back. She looked to Lucy, Carla, and Happy. The sight of Carla looking so rough made her angry, and her mind immediately wandered to where Wendy could be.

"But how? I thought you were gone?!" Carla asked, looking at the trio in shock. Gray continued his speech.

"You've made a big mistake. And now you're on Fairy Tail's bad side. You should've known better than to mess with us." The steam began to clear slightly. Edolas Erza grit her teeth, glaring, while Lucy watched from the floor, surprise playing across her face, then a small, relieved laugh escaping her.

The steam cleared more, to finally reveal Gray's and Erza's faces, along with Nica's just behind them. "Gray! Erza! Nica!" Lucy exclaimed in relief. The guards on the floor were shocked, to say the least, to see two Erza's.

"No, it can't be." A guard exclaimed.
"I don't believe it. It looks just like her. Captain Erza?" Another spoke up. Edolas Erza had a look of angry shock on her face. Earthland Erza (I'll change to just Knightwalker soon I promise lol) looked amused, but still pissed off. Lucy, Carla, and Happy all looked thrilled to see the trio, tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces. They knew they were saved now.

"Erza." Lucy whimpered. "Gray."

"Wait, is that Gray Surge?" A guard asked.
"No, those two are Earthlanders." A second pointed out. The guards all gasped in awe and shock.

"You guys got some explaining to do." Gray growled out, eyes holding a dangerous gleam within them. "Where are our friends that your King turned into a lacrima?!" Anger dripped like venom in his voice as he moved his hands back, then brought them to the ground, sending a giant wave of ice towards the guards and Edolas Erza. "HA!"

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