Calum's Haunted Hotdog

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"Hi you guys" Savannah greeted everyone as the walked in. The crew all sat in the living room while Ariana and Mithsuca helped Karen set up a board game on the floor. As Savannah walked over to the girls to get a better look at what they were setting up, her jaw immediately dropped.
"KAREN I TOLD YOU MY PARENTS WOULD KILL ME IF THIS OUIJA BOARD WAS IN THEIR HOUSE" she shouted at the girl. Calum came up from behind savannah and massaged her shoulders. He leaned over her ear and whispered words to calm her down.
"C'mon Savy, it can't be that bad yeah? What could happen babe?" Savannah sighed and took a seat.
"Fine. But I'm not playing." She said. Calum smiled and sat with Karen and Ariana but savannah quickly tapped on his shoulder. "You're not playing either mister." Michael laughed at Calum and took a seat besides the girls.
"You can play but just know we're not napping together anymore." Gabi said briefly while scrolling through her phone.
"COUGH you mean fuck COUGH" Luke said quickly. Michael pinched his meaty arm and the younger boy let out a whimper. Michael blushed and decided to sit with Gabi on the couch.
Mithsuca just sat and made bubbles with her gum while waiting for all the fuss to end. Ashton stared longingly at Mithsuca's glowing catlike eyes and perfectly proportioned torso. She was like a song, so perfectly pitched and flowing so effortlessly. Ashton found himself becoming erect and became flushed. Mithsuca turned her head to face him and he quickly looked away.
"M'going to the bathroom." Ashton unnecessarily announced to everyone before getting up and going to the bathroom.
Just as he was about to reach his climax on the toilet seat Adejoke busted in and let outa blood curdling scream and started crying. Ashton stood to calm her but remembered his boner. Mithsuca ran over to the screaming and laughed lightly at Ashton's current state.
"WE HAVENT EVEN STARTED PLAYING AND IM ALREADY HAUNTED" she cried on Mithsuca's shoulder. Mithsuca just started very amused and still laughing at Ashton trying to fix himself up. They both walked out of the bathroom. Ashton's chances with Mithsuca lowered from 0 to -100 real quick.
Meanwhile Gabi sat on the couch playing music when a very familiar song came on.
"I GOT YOUR PICTURE DEAR MARIA COUNT ME IN" Michael and Ariana sang in unison. They glared at each other before standing up and having a chest to chest stare down. Ariana stared angrily at Michael and Michael looked down gleefully. He quickly pecked her nose to distract her but she was fuming.
"What did you just do?" She hissed. Michael giggled at how short she was. Ariana quickly grabbed a handful of Michael's red hair and refused to let go. Michael was tearing up and screaming. It took both Calum and Luke to pry Ariana's clammy hands off of his hair. Gabi laughed so hard she almost peed on the couch. When she finally let go, over a hundred little strands of fire red hair lay on Ariana's hand. Michael tried his best to stop crying.
Michael quickly rushed over to Gabi, face still pink with tears.
"It's official. I'm bald. That bitch made me bald. I'm bald look. IM BALD NOW." Gabi just rubbed at the small bald spot and kissed for a placebo effect.
"No you're not you big baby."
"YES IAM LOOK AT IT." He was already balding, so it didn't make much of a difference. Gabi continued to kiss his head and rub small circles into his back while Ariana stared angrily. As Ariana thought, Michael actually did look like a cat with Down syndrome.
When everything settles down everyone sat in a circle. Well, except for Calum, Savannah,
Michael and Gabi. Calum was too distracted with jax to be worried about the ouija board but the rest were practically crying in fear.
"Michael is someone calling you?" Gabi asked in confusion.
"There's something vibrating." She said finally. Michael started sweating in fear. "Are you scared?" Michael furrowed his eyebrows in fake confusion.
"HUH WHA-? NO! ONLY PUSSIES LIKE LUKE GET SCARED. IM NOT FUCKING SCARED." He shouted and pointed at the noodle boy.
"HEEEEYYY. AT LEAST IM PLAYING!" Luke shouted back.
"HEY DONT YOU FUCKING SWEAR THERE ARE BABIES HERE" Calum shouted louder than both the boys and returned to playing with Jax.
"You look really pretty Karen" Luke spoke softly, gently grabbing her hand. Ariana quickly stuck her head in between the two.
"Listen here celery, she's my homo" she said, resting her head on Karen's shoulder.
"Oh I'm sorry Ariana. You look beautiful as well." He said sweetly and wrapped his arm around the two girls.
"And adejoke?" Adejoke asked, resting her head on the noodle.
"And adejoke" he said, wrapping his arm around her too. He winked at Ashton, who was just about done with everyone getting laid except him.
Mithsuca giggled at Luke's pimping and Ashton's heart almost stopped. She was so cute. Ashton was determined to get laid.
"Uh, yanno I heard you do art stuff."
Ashton said finally. Ariana snapped her fingers.
"The only one doing art here is me." She said. All of the girls nearly spat with laughter. Ashton was so confused.
"Yeah. I draw and stuff." Mithsuca answered. Ashton couldn't tell if she was batting her eyelashes of just blinking. He decided to lean in closer.
"You should show me some of your work later." He said in a low whisper that obviously sent chills down her neck. Ashton was killing it.
"Yeah maybe" she smiled again and leaned closer.
"Yeah?" Ashton asked. Mithsuca nodded awkwardly and hit her head on Ashton's nose. She immediately backed away and frowned.
"I'm sorry about that" she said nervously, trying to hide her face. In all honesty he thought it was cute.
"No it's okay." He smiled and touched her hand. Nice one.
Adejoke frowned. Luke quickly took notice and pulled her closer. He ran his thumb along adejoke's fingers.
"Can we start???" Karen asked in a frustrated tone. "I didn't spend $29 on this for nothing." Michael hugged squeezed Gabi and started to shake again. Calum held Jax with his left arm and savannah clung onto his right side. Ashton got up to shut off a all the lights in the house and light up a few candles. Only two though, because Savannah was scared Jax might get hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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