7: Maxon's Appearance (part 1)

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We were sent to our rooms after Silvia's talk, and I walked with America and Marlee. 

'Have you noticed the weird looks I've been getting from the other girls?' America asked as we wandered up the stairs.

'Not particularly, but I suppose I've been rather caught up with myself to be honest,' I admitted.

Marlee waved away America's worries with a smile, 'You saw the amount of fans you have. They are probably just jealous.'

On a second thought, Marlee added, 'You haven't spent much time with girls have you? Homeschooled?'

America nodded.

'Well, the best thing you can do is ignore them, let them know they aren't getting to you,' Marlee encouraged.

'They're not,' America quickly responded.

Marlee and I narrowed our eyes at her, but we let it go as we arrived at our rooms. With a last goodbye and a hug from Marlee, we disappeared our separate ways. 

My three maids smiled as I came in, and assisted me into a fairly flimsy nightgown. I wasn't too tired, but I let them do all the talking, interjecting a word or two every so often.

'Alright, one of us has to stay in your room as you sleep, incase you need anything,' Rose said. I had figured out that she was the head maid, while Lily was laid back and Bessie was relatively quiet.

'I'm sure I won't need anything, and someone watching me as I sleep...no, you go to your own beds and I will be fine. I promise,' I decided, and Rose chewed her lip, something she clearly did a lot of as they were chapped and split. 

'But Lady Quinn, it's our instructions...' Bessie trailed off, wringing her hands.

'Well, if it's what the Lady wants, then we have to follow,' Lily shrugged, and picked up a piece of material she was sewing.

'I suppose so,' Rose acquiesced, and they all quickly left the room. 

As soon as they were gone, I pulled myself under the covers and shut my eyes.

But no matter how much I wanted sleep, sleep clearly did not want me. I tossed and turned, but the bed was too big, too different to what I was used to at home. 

Eventually, I decided to just get a little cool air on my face and I unlatched my balcony door. Stepping out, I spotted two figures in the garden, near a bench. I could just make out that one had red hair, and was crouched with their head resting in their arms on the seat. The other...looked an awful lot like Prince Maxon.

I frowned and moved close to the edge of my balcony, seeing now that it was, in fact, Prince Maxon...with America too. But were we not meant to meet him tomorrow? I watched them for a little bit, America seeming to be angered by something, and Maxon appeared to be desperately  trying to make her not angry. 

He looked up in exasperation, and his eyes locked with mine. I blushed and fumbled with the door, but Maxon just gave an amused smile and a tiny wave, before focusing on America again with brows furrowed.

My mouth dropped open and I scurried back to my bed once again, this time finding sleep almost instantly.

~ * ~

My maids must have come in early, as I awoke to Lily pulling open my curtains and Bessie running a bath. Rose was holding a dress, and she smiled when she saw me stir.

'Good morning, Lady Appleton,' she smiled, draping the gown over a chair. 

'Morning,' I yawned, climbing out of the bed. 

'Miss, your bath is ready,' Bessie said with a tentative smile, as if afraid I would turn it down. 

'Lovely,' I nodded, too tired to be giving more than one word answers. Luckily, my maids seemed to acknowledge that, and they didn't ask any questions. 

It was extremely strange to have to be bare infront of these girls, but as they would be dressing me for as long as I was here, I made the decision in my head that I wouldn't complain about it. 

After my bath, they dried my hair and pulled back the top half, leaving a few strands out that framed my face. Bessie did my makeup similar to yesterday's, while Lily presented a large array of jewellery to me. I picked out emerald green earrings, and a matching bracelet to them too. I put on the dragonfly necklace that I had brought from home, but was instructed to tuck it out of view as it didn't match anything. Rose picked out a pale green dress, that hugged the top of me but flowed out at my hip, and helped me to put it on.

The three of them smiled at their work, and I thanked them before going down to the foyer where we had all met each other yesterday. I arrived with everyone else, who all looked like Ones; taking into their stride naturally the extravagant dresses.

When we all got to the room, we were taken down to the Great Room instead, where individual tables and chairs had been set out: silverware, plates, glasses and all. I noticed in the corner was a set of sofas, which had considerably nicer lighting than the rest of the room. 

Marlee, America and I sat beside one another, complimenting each others dress, or necklace, or hair. We were silenced by Silvia.

'Hello again, ladies. Welcome to the first proper day at the palace, when your work will now begin. Also, please note that I will report any missteps on your part to the royal family,' she said.
'It might sound harsh, but this isn't a game. One of you in this room will be the next queen, and I am here to prepare you best I can. First lesson is how to eat in a proper manner, so quicker we master that, quicker you can eat your breakfasts.'

She began to explain a long list of rules, most of which went straight over my head, but I tried my best to fulfil the actions. She went on and on, until the doors swung open and two guards came in, closely followed by Prince Maxon.

'Good morning, ladies.'

A/n: No, that is not what I call Maxon content, don't worry ahah!! I keep my chapters around 1,000 words, and I just hit that many, so I will be publishing both this chapter and the next at around the same time. 

Sorry if this is annoying at all!   

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