Puppies and Kittens

513 15 2

Time skip

It is now early in the morning with the sun beginning to rise. At camp blue sky of upstate New York, a ceremony is being underway for a Nana Griswold.

Group of Girls: (Singing)...beautiful, beautiful river. Gather with the saints of the river that flows by the throne of God.

A black man walks up.

Man: To Nana Griswold. A true survivor. Not man grandmothers left these days. Especially as old as Nana was. How old was she anyway?

Woman: Sixty-three.

Man: Wow. That's old.

Nana Griswold: Sixty-four. And I'm not dead yet. (coughs) But I think it's time.

The woman then walks up to Nana's side and kisses her forehead. The looks to the others.

Woman: You can all go now.

Everyone leaves. Warren then enters the room.

Warren Do you have her special?

The woman then gives her a piece of cloth wrapping a bullet.

Warren: I'll take it from here.

She then goes to Nana Griswold.

Warren: Ready, Nana?

Nana Griswold: Hell yes, I'm ready. I've had enough of this stinking world. (coughs)

Warren: Sofia Christina Griswold. With this Eighth Sacrament I commit your soul to eternal peace.

She loads the bullet into the revolver.

Warren: I give you... mercy.

She then puts a pillow over her head and pulls the trigger, giving her mercy. Then exits the building and gets a call from Garnett.

Garnett: (Radio) This is Garnett to Warren, over.

Warren: Go for warren. What's up Charlie?

The scene switches to Garnett who is on the river's edge.

Garnett: I'm at the water's edge, could use a little backup.

Warren: (Radio) I'll be there in two minutes.

Garnett then starts to see two men on a boat rowing. Warren comes up standing next to him.

Warren: What is it?

Garnett: I guess a distress signal?

Warren: How do you want to handle it?

Garnett: Been watching them for a while. As far as I could tell it's just two males. Let's see what they want. Can always turn them back around.

He then flashes his flashlight off and one.

Garnett: How did Nana's Eight go?

Warren: Very good. Good people.

Garnett: Thanks for doing it. I just... can't anymore. Too many...

Warren It's okay. She was ready to go.

Garnett: Hmm. Aren't we all.

The two on the boat then gets closer.

Warren: Ah, here they come.

Garnett: All right. I'll handle the meet and greet. You cover me from here.

Warren: Any problems, you hit the ground. I'll take care of the rest.

Warren stays in her spot while Garnett goes towards the two. Then points his lit flashlight at them.

Garnett: That's far enough, gentlemen. Identify yourselves and state your business. Team of snipers has you covered, so no sudden moves.

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