Saving Hope

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I stared at myself in the mirror, the reflection staring back couldn't be me. My brown curls were matted in clumps, my dimples that showed when I smiled were no where to be seen, and my usually bright green eyes were lifeless. This wasn't the usual Harry Styles everyone saw grinning happily during a planned photo shoot, no there was more to me then that. None of our fans knew about the other side of me. The one that cried almost every night or the one who lost his other half. No one knows except my family and the boys.

I groggily made my way over to the small calendar on my pale blue wall, and with a bright red sharpie I made a small 'x' on the day it was. Today made two years. That's how long it's been since my little sister went missing. Two years since we dreadfully had to call the police to inform them of a missing child. Two years since we sent out an amber alert. Two years since I've saw my precious sister, Hope.

*Flash back*

"Ready or not here I come!" my squeaky five year old voice called out to my little sister, Hope.

I wandered around my house looking for sight of her. She must have hid really well, because I can't find her anywhere.

"Hope! Where are you?" I said out loud, not really expecting an answer. I stayed quiet trying to hear her moving or breathing. As I turned to walk away from the kitchen, where I was standing, I heard a faint cry. I quickly made my way over to the cabinet where it came from. I opened it to reveal a small, curly head girl crying.

"Hope, whats wrong?" I asked her.

"I was afraid you wouldn't find me." she replied.

I bent down and held out a hand to help her get out of her hiding spot.

"Don't worry Hope, I'll always find you." I reassured her.

"Promise?" She asked timidly.

"I promise" I told her, and with that she took my outstretched hand and jumped up, all the tears replaced with her big smile.

*Flash back over*

I kept reliving that day in my head. I remembered how when she smiled she had two dimples Identical to mine, I remembered how when she got up to run away her curly hair bounced up and down, but mainly I remembered the promise I made her. How I told her I would always find her. Then realization hit me, I haven't been keeping my promise. I let Hope down, she probably thinks we forgot about her. I'm going to find her. I don't care how long it takes, she will be back with me. No questions asked.

"I promise Hope. I promise I'll come find you. Hang in there a little longer." I said out loud, as if she could hear me.

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