- Tiger -

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A/N: Finally we're at the end of this thing and I'll be able to start the next book which will actually be entertaining. I'm so excited to start the next one because it'll be somewhat similar to Through The Tulips which I enjoyed writing the most.

 I'm so excited to start the next one because it'll be somewhat similar to Through The Tulips which I enjoyed writing the most

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[Beomgyu's point of view]

That Yeji girl hung up on me! Who does she think she is? A real person with feelings that doesn't have a death wish like you do, jackass. Are you implying I'm not a human being with feelings too? You only care about one thing and only have emotions when it comes to said thing which is Y/N in this situation, if you asked me I'd say that you're merely nothing but an unworthy piece of scum.

From the distance a big door could be heard, loudly opening and closing with a bang, followed by the sight of two people exiting the building, one male and one female. Huh... I wonder where they're going at this time, there isn't much to do around here.

Wait... Are they walking towards me or do I need my eyes checked?

Upon closer inspection it all got clearer... The boy has dyed white hair and he's roughly 5'9", meanwhile the girl is... The girl is... Y/N...

Y/N...? No, no, I wasn't expecting her to come outside. No no no no no, this isn't happening. She's coming at me with Kino. I think you should run. I- I can't, my legs aren't moving.

But why is Kino walking so far in front of her? Is he protecting her from me? Is he trying to hurt me? If he's trying to kill me then he's damn stupid, I won't die to him, I'll only die on my own call or Y/N's. He's getting closer. Stop being so egoistic and get the hell out of here! That guy may be shorter than you but he's much stronger than you'll ever be and he could knock you out in a flash.

You think that but just you watch.

I won't be watching when he kills you. If you die I die too you know? Good, I've been trying to kill you anyway and I would've if you had a physical body, but you don't you're just a figment of my imagination and-

"Y/N Stay back!"

Me and the voice in my head snapped back to reality at the raise in Kino's voice, he's closer now, but not as close as Y/N. Heh, look at that, she's running to you. What are you going to do? I- It depends... But Kino is trying to catch up to her and I don't like the look of it. I don't know how to react to this, it was so sudden, I-

"Beomgyu..." There she is, she looks just as amazing as always but... Her facial expression is covered in nervousness, almost like she's masking a sense of fear. I know her face too well, I can tell she's scared of me. This is her, this is really her again. Why is she being cautious? What did I do? Why am I scaring her? Maybe I should step back a little...

I took a step back, but when I did Y/N stepped forward. Each step back I took, Y/N took another step forward. This is like our collage days. "Gyu what's wrong? Are you- Kino, no! KINO DON'T! KINO!!!"


And the last thing I saw was utter darkness engulfing me, along with a feeling of dread and the sense of damp grass against my face...

And the last thing I saw was utter darkness engulfing me, along with a feeling of dread and the sense of damp grass against my face

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4th book is out!

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