○● C H A P T E R 14 ○●

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Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I was two hours late by the time I got to the reception.

I ran in and tripped over my dress. I was about to fall flat on my face, when Xzaiver catches me.

For a second everything stopped and then I pushed him off saying,

“Get away from, me.” In a cold tone.

That dream really did ruin my mood, god this was not going to be enjoyable.

Xzaiver took a step back and for a few second, he just started at me.

My dress hugged me perfectly and my hair was straightened lying flat against my back, with the front to stands sticking out and the rest twisted back. I chose a dark red lip, and a smokey eye, bringing out my grey eyes, making them seem white.

Xzaiver looked extremely handsome if I must say. The way his all-black suit clung to him; all I can say is wow. Xzaiver caught my eyes, for a second we just started at each other.

Then Xzaiver, stepped forward and aggressively pinned me against the wall. Wow, this guy was such a gentleman. My breathing hitched as he seethed,

“Where the fuck were you?” “I was asleep” I snapped back.

“Be grateful I even came.” Then I pushed him off and began to walk to the door, then I turned around and said,

“Well get a move on, don’t Wanna keep em waiting any longer.” We began to descend the stairs, and everyone turned around to look at us.

God, I defiantly saw some familiar faces, some that I had beaten till they were plip.


As I walked down, I smiled when I saw Dante and waved at him. He smiled back and winked.

God and hot.

I made my way to the stairs and walked up to the stage, standing behind Xzavier.

“Thank you all for coming, I am sorry we are late, something came up. Today me and miss Vallari are host this ball to inform you of a tremendous change. The Vuillard family, and the Russo family are to unite and become as one.” Xzavier said, as the crowd began to mumble.

I guess nobody expected this, well I for one certainly did not either.

I began to laugh at the thought and then stepped forward towards the mic.

“Hello, umm fellow acquittances.” I really didn’t know, what I was saying.

“I would like to thank you all for coming and participating in this celebration. I hope that the joining of these two families will bring many more opportunities and I look forward to doing business with you. I hope you all enjoy you night.” I spoke.

I can't believe I said all of that, putting this act on was really tiring me. Xzaiver was looking at me as if he had just seen a ghost, I guess he didn’t expect me to be able to actually be polite, I proved him wrong.

The people began to clap as Xzaiver held my hand as we walked down form the stage. People began to come up to us and introduce themselves.

I really wasn’t listening and Xzaiver was doing all the talking. I felt like I was going to fall asleep. Then a man came up to us, and Xzavier's whole posture changed, He looked cold and like he was ready to kill someone.

The man before us looked oddly familiar yet I couldn’t put a finger on it.

“Why Xzavier I didn’t expect you to becoming partners with anyone, you seemed like a guy to go solo. Oh well.” He looked at me and then held his hand out.

I took it and felt his cold fingers wrap around mine. “Emiliano Russo, it’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Villard” I smiled back.

“You and Xzaiver are related?” I asked. Then he looks and Xzaiver and said,

“Why yes I am, my dear nephew isn't one to brag about his other family members.” He said whilst laughing. Xzaiver scoffed and said,

“Amaya it's time we go see the others.” I politely smiled at Xzaiver's uncle. “Thank you for introducing yourself, I hope to see you again soon.”

Then Xzaiver whispered under his breath,
“I hope not"

“What was wrong with him. As if on cue, Dante walked up to me and said,

“Well hello beautiful lady, care to have a dance?” He joked and I laughed.

“Of course, kind sir, I would love to.” I played back. I looked towards Xzaiver and said,

“If you would excuse me.” I smiled and walked with Dante to the dance floor. Dante put his hand on my waist and then I put mine on his shoulder, we gracefully danced.

“You look beautiful in that dress Amaya.” I smiled and looked forward. My breathing stopped when I thought I saw the man from my dreams, the one who killed my papa.

My breathing began to increase, and I felt like the room was becoming smaller by the second.
I had to get out, right now. Dante stopped dancing and asked me “Are you okay Amaya?”

“I n-need to go to for a moment, would you excuse me.” I said as I turned around and made me to the restroom.

I walked towards the sink and splashed water on my face, not caring about the makeup as there was mascara already dripping my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and began to chant,

“Make it stop, make it.” What was happening to me? I really needed to get away.

Therefore, I hated in being environments like these, where I was so vulnerable. I got my clutch and took my flask out, downing all the alcohol.

I needed my thoughts to stop, even just for moment. I walked up the bar and began to drink, and soon enough I was fully drunk. I really looked like a mess, but I did not care. I didn’t care about anything, not now at least.

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