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It has been a matter of days since my extraction from the palace. Zeno warned me not to speak to anyone about the humiliating details of my time in East Gorteau. It all sat inside my mind, replaying. He still hasn't left my mind.
I sat amongst the zodiac debating about how the next chairman should be chosen. I eyeballed Pariston Hill aka The Rat, a fitting codename if you ask me. I didn't want to listen to this. Bean told me that papa set up some bounties for me to complete. Bean was also telling me that papa believed that I would be more beneficial as a hunter in bounty hunting as opposed to being a leader. I don't doubt that. I'm far from being a leader. I work better alone.

"Piper... Piper Hashiri!" Cheadle, aka The Dog, said aloud snatching my attention from my thoughts.

"What?" I grumbled, still feeling pain from papa's death and his.

"You were the chairman's daughter-"

"Adoptive daughter," Ging, aka The Boar, cut in, earning my glare as well as everyone else's in the room

"Anyway," Cheadle continued, "I believe it is essential that you should take the role as next chairman,"

"I object," Ging cut in again.

"As do I," Paristion chimed.

"Quiet," I snapped at the two, earing everyone's widened eyes. I turned to Cheadle, regaining my calm tone, "I understand how your conclusion is for me to claim the role. However, I have just returned from East Gorteau. My wounds aren't even close to being healed. I am in no shape to run for chairman. If you'll excuse me, I need to go home and rest. I don't care who becomes chairman," I finished before leaving the room.

In truth, the only injury I had was my stab wound from fighting my fire people. All that remained was sore tissue as well as a scar. Everytime I looked at it, I was reminded of him. If I concentrate hard enough, I can recreate the feeling of his touch. Sometimes, I'd feel it in my sleep. I'd wake up thinking I was still in the palace but I quickly came to realize I am in the Zoldyck estate. I don't even know where Komugi is anymore. I can only assume she's still the breadwinner in her family and continues Gungi.

I stepped outside the hunter association building and into the warm sunlight. The sun rested on my shoulders differently than it did in East Gorteau. A beautiful day like this, I would be in the courtyard training. Pitou would watch with cat-like interest. She liked watching my fire people. It was almost hypnotic to her.

While inside my imagination, I didn't even notice the person in front of me, until I collided into his chest. The first thing I saw was bright fuschia colored hair. It reminded me of his eyes. All I could do was stare at it.

"I'm sorry," I said without even looking at his face, "I didn't see where I was going,"

"My, my," Hisoka cooed, "I believe the last time I saw you was the hunter exam,"

"Oh, hello, Hisoka. Yes, I suppose it has been a while," I said boredly, still concentrating on his hair.

"My eyes are down here," Hisoka cooed, breaking me from my trance.

"Sorry," I said, "Your hair reminded me of someone very dear to me."

"I see. Well, maybe I should change it. I wouldn't want a pretty thing like you thinking about someone else when you're with me," Hisoka smirked, also winking at me as well as licking his lips. I shuddered in distaste.

"Well this has been fun," I said sarcastically, "I need to get going,"

"Bye bye," Hisoka cooed again as I walked away.

"He can be such a slimeball sometimes," I thought to myself.

My mind wandered back to that fuschia color. Back to him. I missed him. More than I had wished to admit. He always had a cold or angry look in his eyes. Except for when he looked at me. I missed that. I was angry at Illumi for retrieving me. I still am. Although, I suppose it's a suitable punishment. I stopped feeling a pair of eyes on me. I gazed around waiting to meet someone's eyes or see a familiar face. I saw no one familiar and it made me terribly uneasy.

Knowing I was being followed, I began to walk towards a more deserted area of the city. Once I was far enough from nosey cityfolk, I stopped.

"Aright," I announciated, "I know you've been following me. Come to me or i'll come to you," I turned around to see a tall, slender silhouette with long black hair. "Illumi, why are you following me?" I asked.

"Grandfather was a little worried about your state of mind. He requested that I follow you until he's been assured of you safety," Illumi answered.

"I'm not so weak as to off myself because of a few deaths," I growled.

"You're hurt more than you're showing," Illumi spoke as he reached out to touch my head. I smacked his hand away. It only made me angry.

"I'm fine and I certainly don't need your pity," I snapped, gaining Illumi's surprised expression. "I'm sorry. It seems I've been having a short fuse lately," I sighed.

"Don't worry about it," Illumi said, "Come on, Grandfather is waiting for us," I nodded as I began to follow Illumi back home. "I know about what happened in East Gorteau," Illumi said.

"Ezra?" I questioned, "He was a little shit. He deserved it," I was hoping that's what Illumi was talking about. Only Zeno knows all the humiliating details of my time with him.

"I was there a lot earlier than you think," Illumi said, "Just in case you try to lie,"

"Then you know..." I trailed off.

"Everything," He said coldly.

"I miss Isaac," I said trying not to cry, "But I miss him too,"

"Him?" Illumi questioned. He was going to make me say his name.

"Meruem. The king. I miss him," Against my will tears began to rush down my face, "I miss his touch. I miss how he was such a lustful unknowing pervert with absolutely no thought for personal space. I miss having the days where all I do is train. When i didn't notice anyone for anything and no one noticed me for anything," Illumi stood there and watched as everything that's troubled me since I arrived in NGL poured from my lips like a waterfall. Everything from when I first arrived to when Illumi found me. Even the most troubling dreams and scenarios he'd put me in. By the time I had finished pouring it all out, my face was red, I had no more tears and I was ready to dig a hole and stay there until I no longer felt guilt about my horrible horrible thoughts and actions in the palace.

Illumi stared at me as with his usual blank expression.
"Say something," I said wiping my eyes. Somehow, it felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"I lied," he said. I stared at him bewildered.

What do you-"

"I got there when Father and Grandfather got there," he blatantly spoke. I wanted to strangle him. "I saw you with the king and I saw how you were acting recently," Hearing that only increased my murderous intent. "It seems you grew quite attached to him," I continued to say nothing. "I guess it would compare if I said one of my siblings died. I suppose that loss to me would compare to yours. I don't blame you if you missed him. From what you told me, he might miss you more," I wanted to smile instead more blood rushed my face. "I do blame you for getting attached," Illumi said in a colder tone.

"So do I," I said, "That's what's been killing me most. I allowed myself to get attached."

"It's a lesson you only learn once," Illumi stated. I nodded in agreement. Illumi signaled for us to get moving. "He's is waiting for us," I followed him for a moment before smiling.

"Hey, Illumi,"

"I won't tell him you told me. After all, I tricked you,"


Alright guys, that's the end of this story. I just wanted to say thank you all for reading, voting and commenting. Omg I loved reading all your comments. You guys are seriously funny. They definitely cheered me up when I had some off days.  Just wanted to express my gratitude to all of you.  Also Thank you for putting up with my delayed updates on all my stories. You guys are amazing.

I love you all.

-Rara <3

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