Something Wicked This Way Comes

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"Wait, a woman came to your house?" Max asked and Tamara pinched the bridge of her nose. She could hear that he was packing up to go seeing he was six hours ahead of her. She just caught him getting ready to leave for the cave.

"No I fell asleep and this woman came to me in my dream." She went in the bathroom and looked at her jaw, bruise marks were starting to show. She frowned and kept talking. "It was definitely real, you didn't have any kind of dream or odd feelings? I think something was triggered when you shared the photos."

"Odd feeling, I always have an odd feeling going into these places. But what exactly did you find or see? how dangerous? I won't go if you say so Tam. Just tell me what I'm dealing with, if it's life or death. I've walked away before." Both of them had, several times. Each of those times had ended in disaster for the people that didn't listen.

"It sounded more like something needed to be protected once it was found. She told me that I needed to do something." She thought for a moment and then recapped the entire conversation.

"Did you look up this Surt, what that could even mean?" He asked.

"Not yet but I was going to. You know seriously, I just wanted to work with artifacts, teach people our history. Here I am playing witch doctor to things best left alone once again. No one trains you for this kind of shit." She wiped a hand down her face.

"There's marks on my chin, whatever it was, was real enough in my mind." She told him.

"But just a death threat, not that actual death would happen?"

"No." she told him. "She was concerned about her brother, which I don't get. It must stand for something. A bond, I'll keep deciphering and see what I find."

"Did you want to come out here, we can wait and go in if you want to catch a flight. I might like to have you on the ground for this one." He said with a laugh.

"No I can't, I have a couple meetings tomorrow and those damn bowls are giving me a run for my money." She said and turned picking one up off the top of the toilet seat. Seriously? The bathroom, she was starting to wonder if the items were just possessed with a prankster ghost or something. They didn't feel malicious and didn't react badly to holy items.

"Yeah? Where'd they end up now?"

"Yesterday in the shower with me. Turned around there they were. Right now, on the back of a toilet seat. One time in my fridge and another on a ceiling fan blade." She heard him laugh. "I prefer it when they just jump from table to table, that way I know they won't get broken. They're really old." Again he laughed.

"Intriguing, maybe they should find a buyer that likes that kind of thing. Sounds harmless to me." He commented and she moved over and picked up the last bowl still on the table. She put then back in their hand made wooden box. The only thing they didn't disappear out of, once inside they always stayed there.

"Yeah, probably best." She said. "Look just keep me updated and I'll keep going over what you sent." She told him moving to her bedroom to sleep.

"I definitely will, and I'm going to send anything we find ahead to you okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Just make sure you send a detailed description with. I don't want to be opening anything cursed or deadly. Booby traps work just as well as magic." She heard his agreeing tone and said their goodbyes and hung up. She really did have a couple meetings tomorrow. She was flying to New York. She currently lived in Maine. She liked living in the middle of no where, didn't have to worry about much. Especially if things went south on her.

Needless to say her sleep was restless and fitful, when normally she slept rather well. Was a rather heavy sleeper, her dreams were filled with water. The howl of wolves, and darkness, a suffocating darkness. She stood on the shore in part of it, and way out at sea just at the horizon she could just make out the arch of what looked like a massive snake or something. A sea creature from times long past. As she watched the thing was coming closer, she knew it was and the water was churning more violently. Parts of the body arching up and out of the water but never the head. It was more than massive, it seemed to fill the very sea, and water started to move and break in the spade shape of what could have been a head.

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