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This felt really good. He'd been expecting ice cold water to wash with. It was what he'd always been given before. It hadn't bothered him. With the state that his body was in, ice cold water didn't sound good. Not to mention this body didn't have the fur like his real body did. Here he was trapped in this human form, and it felt cramped. To small but he'd have to deal with it as long as the chains were still around him and the sword stuck in his mouth.

He couldn't speak, couldn't howl just make low sounds of whimpering or growls that were deeper in his throat. He couldn't even talk mind to mind. All he could remember forever was the blackness, and what felt like sleep but wasn't.

Fuck the Norns and their inscription of what he and his siblings would do. His other two siblings were sent to the farthest reaches. Banished for what was written and the end of times. Real nice, so he didn't get to live because he was predestined to start the end? To kill the king of Asgard Odin. You know what, at this time he would like to kill that pompous asshole for what he'd done. What all of them had done even if it meant his death and it would.

Did he think it would all end? No, at least not all the worlds, but it would be an end of Asgard and a couple other of the nine worlds. But there were many more than their nine. He was angry at being punished for being who and what he was. Fenrir, and he wanted his wolf back. Could feel him there wanting to come out but his body was far to weak yet to change. Even if he could, he couldn't become his large form, just a shadow of himself.

He was still starving, his body needed more calories to heal and regenerate. She'd had a lot but he needed more and had he been wolf, he might have just eaten her. He didn't trust her. He didn't trust any of them, they had tricked him into his chains. Then refused to remove them, going back on their word. Then he was shoved below the earth and a sword rammed into his mouth when he howled in protest and anger. Now his voice mental and physical was silenced until it was removed. The blade stuck in his tongue as a human ring at the moment. The chains part of his skin keeping his form small.

He scrubbed himself and felt more alive being clean but still angry and bitter inside. He glanced at the mortal woman. She was smart, she didn't know what he was clearly by her questions. She kept talking about help. But he knew one thing about mortal humans, their help ended with his kind headless or burning. Like he'd allow that, and this world had changed greatly. He was part god so his mind assimilated what it needed to rather quickly like her language. He hadn't understood it at first but now did. He didn't know what this dwelling was, but it was far different than before. His other half was giant, technically he was still a god in the sense of the word but with a few differences.

This woman, she knew something about things he could tell. But she wasn't the people he'd ever seen or dealt with before. The language was far different than old. She dressed oddly and her looks and demeanors were far different. For one thing she was clearly a single female living alone in this dwelling. Last he remembered mortal females were kept at home until given to their husband.

He wanted to keep an eye on her, and he needed her at the moment. She pulled the sword out to free him which meant he now had an obligation. So it was a good thing he wasn't his other form and then ate her out of hunger. He would owe her for freeing him, seeing as it was done before Jormungand shook the world to free him. Which he'd been sensing the quakes as of late and the cracks to his jail cell. However the first sword had been pulled loose not shook loose.

He'd see just what kind of mortal this woman was. Find out what it was she wanted to get their contract fulfilled for the help she gave freeing him. Perhaps she could remove the sword in his mouth. Two things he needed for it to be removed trust and unselfishness. They had to reach in trusting he wasn't going to harm them. He had to trust they weren't going to use it on him or the world. Which led to the unselfish act, removing it not for gain. The only being that could take the sword out of his mouth without trust or selflessness was Surt. because the damn thing belonged to him. It was stolen from him and jammed into Fenrir's mouth. Seeing it was the blade that would set the world on fire. The gods made a good choice there as of where to place it. Just sucked it was in his fucking mouth.

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