What Is He?

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"Are you serious? Look if this is some kind of prank. I'm not sending one of my drivers out to the middle of nowhere lady with an order that sounds like a prank. You want twenty large pizza's with everything on it. As many bags of chips as we can send and ten liters of soda?" Yeah she had to admit she was going overboard, but he just ate everything in her house. She figured this might do the trick, hopefully. She was aiming for calories.

"I know how this sounds, but I'm having a party later with a lot of people and my caterer canceled an hour ago. Please, I'll pay you right now over the phone. I can't leave to get them due to medical reasons. Please." She said sounding desperate and this was the owner she was talking too. The employee had thought it a prank too. He asked for her credit card and she gave it to him. The bill was nearly four hundred dollars but she could afford it, however with the extra delivery he was charging her with it was closer to five.

"Thank you, thank you so much. Can you bring it as quickly as possible?"

"Yeah, I mean you're paying a damn lot. But I've also taken your information down so if anything happens to my driver I know who this is."

"Nothing will, thank you." She said and glanced over at the man as he was licking clean some of the condiment jars. Gross, how could he eat an entire thing of mustard? He even went back to the package of brownie mix, and realized that getting it wet made it easier to eat.

"I have more food coming but you have to be patient." She commented and took her camera which she should have done in the first place and went into the garage. He watched her but didn't follow her. In the garage she started to take pictures of the thing. She didn't have the writing that was on the lid, but she had a good memory and when ordering the pizza she'd been typing it down.

"Ragnarok." There it was again. Reference to the end of times and she was tapping her lip thinking. She had some questions for this man. She turned around and nearly screamed, he was right there behind her. Staring at her.

"Sorry I wasn't expecting you there. Wasn't paying attention." She commented and he just stared at her not blinking. She cleared her throat a little unnerved and hoping that he hadn't been just standing there staring at her the whole time..

"Are you from Norway?" She asked him and he shook his head.

"Are you older than thirty?" She asked him and he nodded again. "Forty?" Nod. "Younger than sixty" He shook his head. There was no way that he was older than sixty, the guy looked in his thirties.

"The names on it do they mean something to you?" She asked pointing and he just nodded. "It said Fenrir lay with in. Is that your name?" She asked and he nodded. Okay well at least she had something.

"Did you want to wash or shower?" She asked figuring she shouldn't be that insensitive. The man had been through a lot clearly. He would probably like to feel clean.

"I'm sure you'd like to feel clean. I don't really have any men's clothes that will fit you. I might have some of Max's things in my spare room. But you are way taller than him." Plus he was far more muscular now. Kind of intimidating really. She wasn't short, but he was like six six at least.

He gave a slow nod, which she thought was odd because he looked apprehensive about being clean. She motioned for him to follow and he did. They went back through the kitchen and to the hall there. She went to her guest room which was across from hers. It had a full shower and bathroom

"Here we go, there's some shampoo and soap, I have a few razors if you want them to shave or something. I can get some scissors if your hair is bothering you. You want to cut it or something." She told him, which it was matted and past his shoulders. He paused looking at the mirror there and stared at himself for a moment. Then touched his chest before his face like he'd never seen himself before.

"You should have seen how you looked when you came out of that thing. Like a skeleton, it's why I keep asking if you are cursed. You've put on weight since eating me out of house and home, and it's muscle weight." He kept staring at himself and opened his mouth looking in it. She raised an eyebrow. It looked like he was going to reach into his mouth but then stopped like his arm cramped up and suddenly punched the mirror hard. She gave a cry of surprise and he barely made any sound. Perhaps an angry whine.

"Um, please don't destroy things in my house." She said to him as he was leaning with his hands braced on the counter and pieces of mirror fell onto it. The whole thing was spider webbed now. Great this guy clearly had more issues than she knew, and was going to cost her a small fortune just in food. Plus her kitchen was now a disaster. She felt a bit selfish thinking this as the guy clearly needed help, but you know he was just dumped on her.

"Here are some towels. I'll see if there's anything clothing wise you can use." She said and went out of the bathroom and headed toward the closet. She looked back and he was following her.

"Go take a shower. I'm looking for clothes." He tipped his head frowning a bit and it was rather animal like the way that he did it. She sighed. "Please tell me you know how to work a shower." He shook his head.

"Where exactly did you come from?" She asked. He just watched her as she moved past him into the bathroom and explained how to work a shower. He eyed it as the thing turned on and even leaned forward smelling it. She raised an eyebrow, wow what was his deal? She wished he wasn't mute so she could figure more out.

"There you go. You just get under the spray and wash. I'm sure you know how to wash. Shampoo," She pointed like she was teaching a child, "For your hair and soap for the rest of your body. Here is a razor for you if you want it. Like I said I'll find some scissors if you want that. I'm sure you know what a haircut is." He nodded slowly still looking at the water and reached touching it and seemed surprised pulling his hand back.

"To hot?"

No. He mouthed and moved forward, she moved to leave.

"Just pull the curtain closed. I can close the door too." She said and stopped abruptly when he got a hold of her lower arm, she gave an aggravated sound. "Seriously, stop grabbing me please. I'm not going anywhere or doing anything." She snapped. He pulled her back toward him and narrowed his eyes at the door.

"I can leave the door open." She said figuring that was what this was about. She could understand if he was claustrophobic. She would be after all that time. Even if it was only a few days. He did seem to relax a little but still pulled her back and then pointed at the toilet seat which was down and she was confused.

Sit. He mouthed rather sternly and she shook her head.

"I have to clean up the mess you made in the kitchen, plus the..." He more or less shoved her down to sit She sat down harshly and narrowed her eyes in anger. However he was way stronger than her. What the hell was his problem? She hadn't done anything.

Stay. She was looking up at him and she could tell that if she tried to get up he was going to make her. They just stared at each other for a moment and then he got into the shower. The curtain was only partially closed. After a minute or too she stood up, she had things to do. His arm shot out and got a hold of her again. He just pulled her toward the shower.

"What are you doing!" She snapped and slapped his arm but he didn't let go. It was clear he was going to pull her right in the shower.

"I'll sit!" She said struggling and he then let go of her with a warning look. She looked up and her heart beat faster for a moment because it looked like his eyes were solid black. With a blink they were silver and she questioned what she just saw. He did look angry though so she sat down and crossed her arms waiting for him to finish because clearly she wasn't going to be leaving.

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