02 || The glade and Minho

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Minho's pov


"Someone get the medjacks!" Newt says.

"And you. For that, you're showing her around tomorrow."

"No! Nope, nope, nope. I'm not doing that! It's not even my job! I have to go run the maze tomorrow!" I say.

"I don't care. It's not even that bad! Just answer their questions and show them around, that's it!" 

"You're a shank, you know that." I say with a smirk.

"At least I don't care about my hair like my life depends on it." He replies while mimicking my smirk. I gasp and fake a hurt expression, "I think you are just jealous of this." I say gesturing to my hair. "Alright alright, just go get some sleep. Got a big day ahead of you!" He says with a wink as he walks away. I roll my eyes and give a small wave. As soon as I'm about 15 metres away from the homestead, I turn around and decide to check up on the greenie, hoping she's not dead. 

When I'm there, I'm greeted by Jeff, who's just leaving. "Just checking up on the greenie." I say. He eyes me suspiciously then nods and walks away. I don't blame him, I'm not usually the type to care but, I'm not sure, I just feel I need to make sure she's okay. It's weird. When I reach her bed I notice she's sleeping. I stare at her for a bit then mentally slap myself for being so weird. I make sure she's breathing then walk out and glance back once more. I can't help but notice how much of a peaceful sleeper she is. Her just slowly rises and falling again with the light blanket just reaching her hips, her hands covering herself, like she's hugging herself. I turn back around and walk towards her, lifting the blanket up to her chin. She stirs a bit then goes back to staying still. I walk back out, gently closing the door behind me. 

When I reach the homestead, I go into my room and quickly change into some clothes to sleep in. I climb into my bed and easily fall asleep.

y/n's pov


I wake up and take in my surroundings. I'm in some kind of hut. The memories of yesterday come flooding into my head. I shucking blacked out. Shucking- Well that's new. I put my hands on my head, embarrassed. I look out the small window and realize that multiple boys are outside. I count 12. I sit up and make my way out of the hut, checking no one is there but as soon as I round the corner, I bump into a big, hard chest. "Owww." I groan. I look up and I'm met with a very muscular, boy. "Enjoying the view?" He smirks. yes. I roll my eyes, in attempt to hide blush. He shakes his head, "Anyway, I have the honor of showing you around." He says with a hint of annoyance. Annoyed by his tone, I say, "I'll pass." I try to walk past him but he puts his hand out to stop me. I look at him, "Nuh uh, as much as I don't want to I have to." He smirks. "I'm assuming I don't have a choice." He gives a slight nod and walks out with me trailing behind.

"So this is the glade and surrounding us is a maze, as you already know. He says. I nod. "We have some jobs put in place, sloppers, which I think you should do." He smirks. I can already he tell that he seems like the type to joke and be sarcastic, so I know that that is probably not a good job. "Slicers, med-jacks, track-hoes, cooks, and runners." "You'll get a chance to try all of them out, except a runner, and then us keepers will have a gathering to decide which you are best at. If you're awful at them all then a slopper it is." Curious, I ask, "Can't I try out for a runner?" "No." He replies bluntly. "Why not?" "Because I said." "Okay, first, I don't go by what you say, second, if you don't tell me why then I think I'll take a trip to the maze." With a shocked expression, which soon turns into a smirk he replies, "Hm, I like you." "What?" "You're strong-minded, maybe you could be a runner." He says more to himself.

After showing me around he says we've got to get to dinner earlier than usual. I have no idea why, but I follow him anyway. We get our food and the British boy, Newt, invites us to his table where he's sitting with another boy who has sandy blonde hair. I sit next to Newt, where the boy who showed me around earlier sits next to the sandy haired boy. 

"I never got your name." I say to the black haired boy. "Minho." He replies, then looks at me as to ask mine. "Y/n." "Yeahh, I think I'll call you shankellet He says with a smirk. "Yeah, no you're not calling me that." "Whatever you say, shankellet." He says with a laugh. I roll my eyes and go back to eating. "Oh. y/n, this is Ben." Newt says with a smile, gesturing to the sandy haired boy. I look over and give him a smile. He returns the smile and gives me a nod. "We should probably go help set up the bonfire, it's getting dark." Newt says. I look at him with a puzzled expression. He looks at me then Minho, "Oh don't bloody tell me you didn't explain the bonfire?!" "HEY! I did, I did!" Minho says, then looks at me as if making agree with him. I choose to wind him up a bit, "What bonfire?" I say with a smirk. Minho glares at me while Ben just looks between us. "We do it every month, to celebrate I guess. It's just for fun." Newt says. I look back at him and nod, "Okay. Sooo, that's it?" Ben pipes in saying, "Basically, but it's more fun than it sounds." "Okay." We put our dishes to the side and get ready for the bonfire, with Newt leading the way with Ben, and me and Minho trailing behind. As we are walking, Minho leans down so his mouth is right next so my ear and whispers, "I see what you did there by the way." I can't help but get butterflies. I look up to him and put a confused expression on my face, "I have no idea what you could possibly be talking about." I say smirking while racing forward to join in with Newt and Ben. 

Minho's pov


"I have no idea what you could possibly be talking about." y/n says smirking. She's some girl.

I can't help but feel excited for the months in the glade to come. I have a feeling y/n will have a really good impact on everyone. Minus her sarcastic humor, I mentally roll my eyes but I can't help thinking that that's what makes her her. I also have a feeling that we will become good friends, like great friends, but nothing more than that, as Alby warned us all, when she was taken away by the med-jacks, that if we make a move on her it will result in being banished. I thought that was a bit too much, but who knows, maybe one day it will help. I hope it doesn't though. I'm going to make it my job to protect her at all costs. I'm not sure what's came over me, but it feels like I need to do it, as if it's the right and only choice. 


So whenever a word of phrase is in italics, like this, that is the person's thoughts. If that makes sense!

I also made your arrival quite late, like a couple of minutes before the maze doors close.

Anyway, I've got a lot of ideas coming up and after a couple of chapters I will probably do a time skip or something but I want a couple of moments and things to happen before Thomas arrives and stuff!

I hope you are enjoying the chapters and, as always, let me know if you have any suggestions!

See you later! :))

WRITTEN: 02/13/21

WORDS: 1345

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