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BEING BACK IN Encino Valley, Los Angeles was weird after not stepping foot in it for 10 long years

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BEING BACK IN Encino Valley, Los Angeles was weird after not stepping foot in it for 10 long years. 10 long years since Aurora Lawrence had last said goodbye to West Valley High and hello to Harvard University.

Nothing could describe what she was feeling except for 緊張感. Nervousness. The girl had enough time on her hands to learn a couple of languages since being an Orthopedic Surgeon had to do with many different people that only spoke a select few languages.

Why is Aurora back in Los Angeles, may you ask? Well, with the news of Cindy fucking Kettering having a baby shower popping up in her messages after she had texted the brunette, Rory just had to fly back in to celebrate.

She hadn't seen the now pregnant girl in at least 2 years, not since Cindy had visited her at the Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. And she was thrilled to hear about the redhead and her husband of 3 years who had been trying for a baby, finally get what they wished for.

So here she was, staring out the window of a cab as she made her way over to her best friend's house in none other than Encino Hills. Cindy had married a rich man who was the president of some oil and gas company down in California, so she had been bumped up a few classes.

"Yo lady" Aurora was snapped out of her daydreaming, letting her eyes flutter tiredly over to the annoyed taxi driver "you gonna get out, or just stare out the window?"

Quickly rushing to pull a $10 tip out of her purse, (authors note: I'm not American, so I have no idea how much you guys are supposed to tip) she leaned over to slap it into his awaiting hands before climbing out of the car and rounding to the back. Seeing that the man wasn't going to be any help, the Lawrence girl lifted her suitcase out of the trunk and slammed the boot closed.

Before she could even say thank you, the taxi was already halfway down the road in a rush to pick up some other moneymakers needing a ride. The sound of her name being called made the girl whip around and just in time to catch the body being flung at her.


Cindy Kettering, or now Cynthia Robertson, was currently squeezing the living daylights out of a wheezing Aurora who couldn't breathe.

Trying to take in a deep breath, she tapped the weeping girl on the shoulder "Cindy...Cindy...I-I can't...Breathe"

"Sorry" she apologized, wiping at the dripping mascara beneath her eyes and leaving nice black smudges in the creases "I just haven't seen you in so long, and being pregnant has made me moody and apparently...stronger"

"I can see that" Rory laughed lightly, leaning backward to crack her stiff back "now, how about you show me inside?"

Cindy nodded enthusiastically, quite a drastic change from her crying form a few moments ago. So, pulling up the handle of her suitcase, Rory rushed after the girl.

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