Closing the distance

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AN— just thought I'd feed the STARVING armin fans because I don't see enough fan fics of armihhh 🙄🙄🙄 this chapter is just introducing the plot and is kind of wholesome aw cute. Oh anddd this is season 4 armin btw even though it's set in season 1 or 2 but oh well lollll

Erwin raised his glass "thanks to everyone one of you, we finally retook wall Maria!" He shouted proudly, it had been a long couple of months leading up to this, but you and the other scouts had finally done it. The whole mess hall stood up and cheered, smiles radiating off everyone's faces as they lifted up their glasses in victory.

You and the other scouts were celebrating the win against the titans in the mess hall, drinks were poured and music played as everyone enjoyed them selves. It was relieving, the stress finally lifted off your shoulders. You and the new levi squad were practically the main support the scouts had after the last levi squad was wiped out, all except levi. But finally it seems as thought they didn't die in vain, if it wasn't for them, none of you would have made it to this point.

"Oi" a voice whispered behind you, it was Jean. "We're all going somewhere else" he said pointing back to a group of people: mikasa, Connie, Sasha, eren and armin. "Where??" You asked confused, "to erens dorm, we've got this" Jean said in an enthusiastic tone, holding up a bottle of rum in his right hand. "Let's go" he called out, waving you over to your group of friends. You followed behind him as you all set off to erens dorm.

Blonde hair instantly caught your eye, glistening in the harsh, yellow light of the dark hallways, you watched armin's every move as usual. His new undercut never got old, you just wished you could run your fingers through his golden locks. Yes, you were head over heals for armin, that went without saying. You've known him for as long as you could remember, you, eren, mikasa and armin had been friends for most of your lives. That is why you've never had the courage to tell armin how much you liked him, he treats you way an older brother treats a sister. You didn't complain though, he was kind, soft and gentle, never hesitating to put you before himself.

That's what you liked about him, and that's why you would never want to ruin the friend ship you had. You couldn't even imagine how it would feel to be rejected by him and then suddenly become strangers to one another. Ever since joining the scouts together, you and armin had gotten closer as friends, but still, he's never made any kind of hint that he likes you in a way more then that. (Hah you got rejected 🥲👨🏼‍🦼💃)

"Y/n... uh hello? Get out of whatever universe your in" Sasha joked, waving her hand infront of your eyes to drag you out of your day dream. "Come on, get inside. These musty corridors are so fucking cold." Eren called to you, sticking his head around the doorway of his dorm. "Coming" you called, speeding up your walk and finally reaching erens room.

As you walk through the door, your eyes instantly meet armins. They looked just like the ocean, swirling pools of blue hypnotising you, it was impossible to look away. He gave you an innocent little smile, a reassuring one. You smiled back, unable to control your cheeks slightly burning at the prolonged eye contact.

You and the rest of your group sat in a circle, everyone laughing and chatting as if all your worries had disappeared. You couldn't help but dart your eyes back to armin every now and then, even though he was speaking to eren and paying no attention to you.

"I didn't notice until now but, you have a pretty good body, y/n" Jean randomly announced, half joking, half serious. "Jean you creep!" Connie laughed at him, signalling everyone else to laugh too. "Eyes to your self, horse boy" you chuckle to your self, wondering if that comment drew attention to you from armin. You peer over once more, and sure enough his Safire eyes burnt a hole through you as he looked back at you, laughing along with everyone else at jean's stupid comment. You couldn't help but wonder if armin thought the same, even though he seemed so innocent.

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