8- M!Mikasa's NSFW Alphabet

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I don't know why I'm doing this...If I know you irl don't read this and never mention this to me in a conversation. Pretend like I never wrote this. Please. But for the rest of you, I hope you enjoy this NSFW oneshot because I know you guys are thirsty for this type of writing since my previous oneshot got a lot of votes in a short amount of time compared to the others.

By the way, I am working on the requests I've gotten it's just taking a while to finalize the plot for the request I'm currently working on. I just wanted to do something for Valentine's Day!


A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
  After having sex with you he would help clean you up, either by running you a bath or cleaning you while you're still on the bed. Though if he's tired and you don't want him to leave to clean up he'll stay in bed and cuddle you. Most of the time having you lay on his chest while he plays with your hair. Telling you how much he loves and adores you till you fall asleep. The next morning he'll change the sheets and clean them.

B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
  His favorite body part of his has to be his chest and abs. He worked hard during the training corps to get his abs and he gets flustered when you compliment his abs and touch them. But it just adds to him loving his muscular chest. Continuing to work hard to keep them as they are. His favorite body part of yours has to be your legs. Touching your legs and kissing your inner thighs. He just loves how they look and feel when having them wrapped around his waist.

C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
  Mikasa likes either making you cum first or the both of you coming at the same time. The first one is because he likes seeing your face and hearing you moan loudly. No matter if he's wearing protection or not but Mikasa would never cum inside of you. Even though he does want little Ackerman children running around the house at some point he still won't cum inside of you. Besides he finds it hot when his cum lands on your chest and stomach. (Which he will clean off later) It also turns him on to do another round. And if you sallow his cum expect him to turn red and extremely turned on.

D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
  Mikasa gets aroused by your smell. On the days where your scent is the strongest Mikasa can't help but get turned on to the max. You have no idea about this since Mikasa never tells you and is good at hiding the tent in his pants when he smells the perfume you always wear. When he gets turned on he can't turn it off till he handles it. So he covers his tent till he can get somewhere private and masturbate. Also when he gets horny and you're not around he would grab one of your shirts and smell it. I know this is something Mike would do but I know how people get when wearing their partner's hoodie and smelling their scent on it.

E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
You were his first. And he also never touched himself beforehand. But with being with you he got more experience the more the two of you did it. The first time you did it he had no idea what he was doing. He just knew the basics that his thing goes inside of you. Over time expect him to know what he's doing and have memorized where your G-spot is and your sweet spots.

F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
When you two first did it missionary was the to-go position. As the two of you explored more positions Mikasa grew to love doing you against the wall. This has to do with him loving the feeling of having your legs wrapped around his waist. Pressing you up against the wall, holding you up by your butt while your legs are wrapped around him. Mikasa very much enjoys it.

G = Got Caught (how they react when they get caught having sex)
How did it happen? Well, when you two didn't show up at the mess hall in the scouts HQ Armin and Eren were wondering what happened. So they began to look around for you since you two were never absent. Searching around HQ they couldn't find you two. That was until they heard Captain Levi yell out: "You damn horny teenagers!" The reason why Levi yelled was that he opened the door for the storage room and found Mikasa and you going at it against the wall. The Captain sent you two to clean HQ. You cleaned the stables while Mikasa cleaned the barracks. Mikasa was angry that Levi interrupted you two but he was so embarrassed about it as well. So embarrassed that he lost all ability to get turned on. Only after two weeks did you manage to get him in the mood.

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