1- First Date with Mikasa...and Zeke?

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A/n- this request comes a friend of mine!
It's pretty much Mikasa and you having your first date! Also if you don't know much about Zeke or if you're not a manga reader I suggest you don't read this shot. It has some spoils!!!

Your POV-

Sighing softly as I gripped my pen tightly. My eyes glazing up to the clock every once in a while. Only ten more minutes of this hell! I thought to my self.

Today was the greatest day of all times, the last day of school! Everyone was excited for the end of the year, wanting to get the hell out of this place. Most than half of the students in my last class were already out of school. Their parents coming to get them early on in the day.

My brother was picked up early today as well, not wanting to spend another minute at school. Saying bye to his friends he left. It was only me and other friends at school. Armin was out the whole day, his vacation with his family started today. Out to go around the world, the first stop being the ocean. One of his favorite places to go.

I moved my pen around, starting to sketch out an image of ocean waves in my sketchbook. Looking up from drawing to look back at the clock I noticed how I only had five more minutes. Smiling to my self I closed my sketchbook, sliding the pen in the pen holder. Stuffing it down my backpack that weighs much to nothing.

Within no time I heard the last bell of the day, ordering us to leave campus. But soon he heard the intercom turn on and hearing the voice of a teacher.

"HAVE A GREAT SUMMER STUDENTS!! I'm going to miss you guys...but not you Annie! You killed my greatest piece of work!" The sobbing coming from Ms.Zoe, the biology teacher. Annie was a student that transferred from Marley's Warrior High School. Along with another few students. And what Annie killed wasn't alive. She broke Ms. Zoe's favorite biology body's of Sawney and Bean.

Laughing lightly I walked out the of the classroom and headed outside. Taking a step to the hot air I felt someone hug me from behind.

"Y/n, lets go home. Your mother wouldn't like to wait long for us. Besides I'm feeling a bit hot out here." Hearing the deep voice of Mikasa I felt him place his head on top of mine. His arms rapped around me under my chest.

"Maybe it's because of you wearing that scarf. Here let me take it off of you. It might get covered with sweat since we are walking home. But before we do I have to say goodbye to my friends. Mom can wait just a little." Smiling at Mikasa I loosened my self away from him. Noticing Marco and Jean walking out of the school. Along with Ymir and Historia walking behind them.

Yelling out at them I waved and talked to them for a while as I left to go find the others.

[Time Skip]

I walked besides Mikasa as we crossed a small road. As we did we held hands along the way home. "Hey, Y/n. It's been a while since we started dating...and I was thinking that we should go on a date. On our first date..."

Grabbing my hand tightly, a blush spread across his pale cheeks. Wanting to hind his face within his scarf, but he no longer had it wrapped around his neck. Clearly exposing his skin that is never exactly shown. Scratching his cheek with his free hand, since there wasn't anything else to do.

"Oh, I've been thinking about that as well! Let me think of a place...oh the amusement park! It has summer specials on the entire and I heard they added a new restaurant in the food court!"

Placing a finger on my lip I told him about the amusement park. I was really hoping to go since I loved the place, going there when my dad takes us. My dad would usually pay for everything and then my half brother, Zeke would come in being jealous about the fact dad paid for everything. Yet he had to pay for his own things.

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