15- M!Mikasa x Housewife Reader

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2nd POV

The smell of freshly cooked food filled the kitchen, sounds of rain hitting against the windows and house with soft music coming from the record player. You moved around the kitchen, softly humming the tune of the music that played. The rain had put you in a good mood, not only was it your favorite weather but it had been a while since it last rained. Your plants were beginning to dry out and a hose and sprinklers weren't much aid when you had multiple plants outside. It also made perfect background noise as you worked around the house to do daily chores.

It was already past five in the afternoon and you knew your husband of three years was nearing his way home. Before he would arrive you put yourself to work to prepare a dinner for the both of you as you usually did. The table was set, clean and pristine, food ready to be served, colds drinks on the go, and a kettle on the stove in case he wanted coffee or tea.

You removed your apron, hanging it on its respective hook in the corner of the kitchen and patted off your clothes of any wrinkles. Going to a nearby mirror you let loose your hair and brushed it around to where it looked just as you liked it. Smiling at the mirror you returned to the kitchen when you heard keys jiggle outside the front door. The lock turned over and the door opened to reveal an umbrella folding closed.

Walking over you grabbed the umbrella from your husband and tucked it into the spare closet near the front door. You often helped him remove his suit when he returned from work so you turned back to him to take off his suit jacket when you were suddenly met with a bouquet of your favorite flowers.

"I left work early but I headed to the flower shop to buy you these." He said nonchalantly. Despite his face being expressionless as he handed you the flowers, there was a pink hue in his cheeks. You widened your eyes, your own cheeks warming up at his gift which you accepted into your hands.

"Thank you, Mikasa. I love them." You said sincerely. Standing on your toes you kissed his cheek, Mikasa however, brought out his hand behind your head and his other around your waist to kiss you properly on the lips.

He let go of you, falling back to the soles of your feet where you hugged the flowers in your arms. Despite being married to him for the past three years and known him for seven, he could still make you bashful with a single kiss. "I-I'll go put these in a vase." You twirled around and scampered over to the kitchen to do as you said.

Water poured into the vase, removing the paper from the flowers you gently placed them into the glass vase. Looking around you decided to place them on the kitchen island as a centerpiece. Smiling at the beauty you remembered about the food. Now that Mikasa was home you could start serving food onto plates. You opened the lid of the pots and grabbed a plate and spoon. "Mikasa, dear, do you want a cold or hot drink? I can make you a coffee or tea." You called out.

Feeling arms wrap around your waist, Mikasa rested his head on your shoulder as he watched you serve the plates. "Tea would be nice..." he said quietly. You nodded your head and turned on the stove to boil the water. "Go ahead and sit at the table, I'll be there in a minute." You told him. He hummed quietly and walked off toward the table.

He took off his jacket and placed it on the back of his chair, loosening his tie around his neck lose enough where he could take it off, then he unbuttoned the first few buttons of his black dress shirt. Comfortable in his clothing, he sat down on his chair, his hands brushing into his jet black hair. When it was no longer slicked back and his bangs covered his forehead, he let himself enjoy the atmosphere you created. A pleasant warmth engulfed him, a warmth he looked forward to after a long day of work. He sighed in pleasure, sitting up right once you headed toward him with a plate of food.

"Here you go, Mikasa." You said as you sat the plate in front of him with a cup of tea beside it. He smiled at you, thanking you for the food yet he didn't touch his fork just yet. You turned on your heel and returned to the kitchen to grab your own plate and choice of drink. Emerging out the kitchen once more you placed down the food and gently sat yourself on your chair across from Mikasa. Seeing you lift your fork and knife to eat, Mikasa allowed himself to begin eating. He had never liked the idea of starting his meal before or without you. Especially if it was meal you cooked.

"How was work today, dear?" You asked him as you brought your fork to your mouth. Mikasa sallowed his food, grabbing his tea to wash it down to tell you about his day.

"It was relevantly normal. Levi and I closed deals with neighboring markets and had meetings with representatives of others. Levi offered to handle the rest of the meetings so I could come home early." He took another bite of food. "Though I'll probably find my office filled with paperwork tomorrow." Mikasa sighed, his relative Levi was kind in most parts, he let Mikasa leave work early every so often to come home to his wife. (just so Levi could stop listening to him talk about you and how much he missed you) However, Levi did push his paperwork onto Mikasa.

"I'm sure it won't be that much," you laughed. "Won't your assistant be able to help you? You did tell me she had a understanding of the paperwork." You told him with a curious tilt of your head. Mikasa furrowed his eyes and groaned.

"I think I'll have to replace her. She spends more time staring at me than scheduling my appointments..." He said annoyed. You laughed again, you had met the girl before— you used the word girl rather than woman since she behaved like a child wanting praise when around your husband. Although she was sweet, you wanted someone more competent to assist Mikasa.

"How was your day? I imagine you've been enjoying the rain." Mikasa said. You nodded your head and began telling him about your day.


Seated in your shared bed you lifted your gaze from your book and looked at Mikasa who came out of the bathroom after a quick shower. His hair was wet and stuck to his face, a small towel in his hands as he tried to dry it. He wore his pajamas, his shirt unbuttoned to reveal his muscles and the hem of his pants. You glanced away, not wanting to be caught staring at his eye candy.

You felt him get into bed beside you, the bed sinking at his weight. The smell of his shampoo reached you and you couldn't help but put away your book to touch his hair. "You have such beautiful hair, sometimes I'm almost jealous of it." You said. Mikasa chuckled softly, he found it satisfying as your fingers dug around his scalp. He absolutely loved the attention you gave him.

"Your hair is lovely, too. In fact everything about you is lovely." Mikasa turned over to you and you let go of his hair. "I'm sorry if I don't tell you often enough but I love you, Y/n." He grabbed your hand which had your golden wedding ring and kissed it.

You widened your eyes, feeling bubbly in your stomach from his show of affection. "I don't think you'll ever understand how I feel when I come home to see you here. You put up with so much because of me yet you pull through, even if I come home tired or in a bad mood. Coming home to you is the part of the day I treasure most." Cupping your face Mikasa press his lips against yours. You didn't hesitate to return the kiss, your arms wrapped around his neck and the you fell into the bed with Mikasa on top of you.

He pulled away, staring at your face before his lips curved into a rare smile. The warmth you felt...you couldn't help but pull Mikasa close to you. Your bodies touched, pressed against one another in a unison of your love for each other.

"I love you, too, Mikasa."


Lowkey might write a househusband M!Mikasa oneshot next because we all know Mikasa is down to being the domestic one in the relationship...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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