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Hey guys, Merry/Happy Christmas...or whatever you might be celebrating. Sorry for not publishing anything last week but it was my birthday so I didn't really have time for writing. Hopefully, this will somehow make up for it😅 So without further ado here is the new chapter.


I have been sleeping peacefully in my bed. For once in a long time not having any bizarre dreams, playing through my head. Just calm undisturbed sleep which I have been praying for. Ever since the night at school, I have been having some quite terrifying dreams running through my head during my REM sleep. So having finally free time from them was perfect.  

It seemed to be far too ideal. Just getting some rest without getting a night terror or having to deal with the paranormal activity. Without waking in the middle of the night gasping for air. And no cold sweat washing over my body. Yeah, it feels nice not to have feelings like that right now. 

Of course, the peaceful sleep couldn't last too long. That just wouldn't fit into my life. The annoying buzzing of my phone against the wooden surface of the chest of drawers, disturbing my sleep. My eyes fluttered open, tiredly looking around the place. Searching for the exact location of the vibrating gadget, my hand felt next to the mattress, trying to find my phone. 

Finally, I found it, picked it up, and looked at the ID. Stiles? What does he want this late? I sighed, forcing myself to sit up in my bed. I accepted the call putting the cell phone to my ear while glancing out of the window to see the darkness of Stiles' room. This is weird. 

"Stiles?" I asked into the phone when I heard faint humming from the other side of the line. It sounded weird. 

"Maceeeey!" Stiles' voice slurred from the other side. An overly cheery and loud tone made me cringe. What is wrong with him? How is he so happy this late at night? And where even is he?

"Stiles, what's going on? Where are you?" I asked, getting slightly worried. Stiles usually tells me when he is going somewhere and if not he is surely not calling me in the middle of the night if nothing happens. So something must be wrong and that scares me so much. 

"I'm with Scotty." Stiles laughed. Something was utterly wrong with his voice. He never sounds this giddy. His words seemed to be leaving his mouth harder than usual and it is a bit hard to understand him due to excessive laughing and slightly slurred speech. 

Who would he be talking like that? If he is with Scott he couldn't have got into any serious trouble or? I sure hope not, I am not in the mood to be rushing out of the house in my Pj to go save their asses right now. Then a light bulb lit up in my brain. Oh my gosh, such a bright light for this late-night hour. 

Stiles was ranting to me this morning that he had figured out a way to cheer Scott up. He bragged that it involved stealing a bottle of liquor from his dad's cabinet. I told him that I didn't agree with that kind of plan and now it seems like his way of not involving me in the idea was not calling me with them but calling me when he gets himself hammered. 

"Stiles...are you drunk?" I asked carefully. Already knowing the answer when Stiles started singing along the music from the radio they had in the car. I just hope Scott didn't drink and he is the one driving the car. "Oh my god you are an idiot," I muttered to myself. I am not even disappointed. I was kind of even expecting it to be honest I just...I don't know why he even decided to call me. 

"But I am your idiot. And I loooove youuu." Stiles sang into the phone causing my heart to stop beating for a mere second. I know that I shouldn't take him seriously because he is drunk off his ass. My brain is practically screaming at me to get a grip on and tell him to just go home and get some sleep. But at the same time, my heart has set this whole new rhythm ever since hearing those words roll down his tongue. It felt like it could just burst from the happiness overload it was experiencing. 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now