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"Lydia I am really not sure about this," I called from inside the cabin. Looking at myself in the mirror I felt like a totally different person. It's been a while since I saw myself in a dress. And now I am standing here, light blue chiffon reaching just below my knees while the black top is resting tightly against my upper body.

I don't look hideous, I'll give you that. But still, I don't feel like myself in this attire. Feels so unnatural. And I feel rather odd now.

"But I am sure, come on out so we can see you." Lydia encouraged, knocking on the wooden doors of the cabin.

"You know, I really think that I should just stay home," I said nervously, patting down the skirt of the dress. It was far too frilly for my liking. Looked a bit like the tutu skirt they wear for ballet. I used to do ballet for a while but it was far too hard for me.

"And I beg to differ, now come out." Lydia ended. I groaned turning around and lightly punching the door open. I stepped out of the cabin shyly. My gaze fixed on my black converse that were matching with the dress quite well if I can say so myself. If only they weren't so dirty.

I heard Lydia gasp causing me to look up quickly. The strawberry blond was looking at me with wide eyes, her hand covering her mouth. She almost seemed like she was about to cry. Her hand fell down to her side to reveal a giant, proud smile that she wore.

"Amazing, absolutely. Gorgeous. Would be better without those shoes but the dress is a boy catcher." Lydia praised, stepping closer to me, her hand gently running through the fabric. I looked behind her to see Stiles standing there, looking around the shop. Not caring about anything happening in front of him.

Lydia seemed to notice my gaze fixed on the spastic boy and she smirked. Clearing her throat she tried to get the attention of Stiles who paid no mind to us. A silent groan escaped her lips as she turned fully around to face the boy.

"Stiles!" She called getting the attention of the buzz-cut boy who immediately spun around to face us. A startled expression rested on his face. "Doesn't Macey look beautiful?" She asked with a sly smirk nodding her head towards me. Stiles' eyes traveled towards me, widening in size when they landed on me.

His mouth opened and closed aimlessly. Not a single word falling out. Looking like a fish out of water. I wasn't expecting this kind of reaction from him. Stiles always had something to say. His mouth is always full of words. And now...he is speechless.

"Is it that bad?" I asked timidly, looking down at the dress. Feeling slightly ashamed for even trying to wear something like this. Even though I was mainly forced into it by Lydia. The anxiety slowly reached my system. My heart beating louder with a burden of dull hurt that suddenly attacked it, at the thought of Stiles not liking me in my dress.

"W-what? N-no, I-I just you look...wow." Stiles stuttered, tripping over his own words as he tried to explain to me how he felt about the idea of me wearing the dress. I was satisfied enough with the answer. It was more than I could ever ask for. But Lydia seemed a bit skeptical about it. Rolling her eyes at the weak attempt of Stiles'.

"That was wordy." She muttered turning to me with a smile and scanning me over with her eyes once more time. "You look seriously beautiful. We are buying this one, no arguing. I am going to collect my dress and I'll wait for you by the cash desk. And don't even try escaping, I know where you live." Lydia said pointing her finger at me in a threatening way. Waiting for me to nod before smiling sweetly and skipping away to get to the cash register.

A sigh escaped me, I wasn't even aware I was holding in a breath, but I guess I was. My eyes looked up to be met with the honey-colored ones that were still staring at me as if I were something extraterrestrial.

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now