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Happy (late) Valentine's Day!
I hope you guys had a lovely day (even if you weren't able to spend it with anyone)


Yeonjun was sitting on the floor, painting his nails. He looks over at a stressed boy who was tapping his foot on the ground. "Hey.. are you ok?.." Yeonjun asks.

"I'm fine... do you think he'll like the flowers I got him?.." Jay asks. Yeonjun sighs and sets the nail polish down after he finishes painting his nails "look.." he says "Hyuka will adore the flowers, don't even worry about it" he adds.

"But what if I stress him out? And make him overwhelmed... I mean.. tomorrow will be his first day back in like a week.." Jay says. Yeonjun sighs "you don't have to tell him yet, if you're that stressed about it.. you could wait a couple days" he says "but you won't overwhelm him, trust me... You're probably the first person Kai is going to run to when he gets to school" he adds.

Jay nods, staring at the floor. Yeonjun sighs again "here.. come here" he says, patting the floor "let me paint your nails.. it's relaxing" he adds, smiling.

"I've never had my nails painted before" Jay says. "Well.., let today be your first" Yeonjun says. Jay smiles and gets up from his bed and  sits on the floor next to the pink haired boy.

Yeonjun smiles "what color do you want?" He asks, showing Jay all of the colors he had. "That one" Jay says, pointing to a turquoise color.

Yeonjun nods, taking out that color "Hhhmm..turquoise.." he says "that's Kai's favorite color" he adds. "I know.." Jay says.

Yeonjun laughs "wow.. you really do like him, don't you?" He smiles. Jay nods "more than anything.." he says "a-and I've never had this feeling for anyone.. ever.." he adds "I've been in relationships.. but I've never felt like this before.."

Yeonjun gently grabs Jay's hand and starts painting his nails "have you been in a relationship with a male before?" He asks. "No" Jay replies. "Is Kai the first male you've ever had feelings for?" Yeonjun asks. "Well.. not exactly.." Jay says. "What do you mean?" Yeonjun asks, continuing to paint Jay's nails

"Well.. a few years ago.. I had a small crush on another guy on the football team.." Jay says "but the way I feel for Kai is completely different..." he adds.

"What happened with the guy on the football team?" Yeonjun asks. Jay just shrugs in response. "That's not an answer, Jay..." Yeonjun says "did something happen?" He asks.

"W-well... um.. I thought this other guy liked me.. because he would always flirt with me.." Jay says, taking a deep breath "so I told him that I had feelings for him.. i-in hopes of him saying he likes me back" he adds.

"What happened after that?.." Yeonjun asks in a soft voice. "H-he called me the f slur.. th-then told coach that I was trying to harass h-him.." Jay says, looking down "o-our football coach is my dad.." his voice cracks.

"He fucking outed you?!" Yeonjun yells, setting the nail polish down, so he doesn't mess up Jay's nails "he outed you to your father?!" He adds, grinding his teeth.

Jay slowly nods "y-yes" he says "a-and it wasn't an accident either.. everyone on the team kn-knew he was my father.." he adds, biting lips because he was anxious. "Who is this bitch?" Yeonjun asks "I need to beat him up" he adds, clenching his fists. "There's not need for that.." Jay says "he ended up moving away a little bit after.. which is the only reason my dad let me stay on the football team.." he adds

"My father still reminds me everyday about how I'm disgusting and how I will never be as good as him" Jay says, letting out a painful laugh. Yeonjun looks at the younger boy "fuck whatever your dad says" he says "he's a selfish cunt" he adds "he should be proud of you! You're literally a straight A student, you're a hot shot athlete, and you don't do drugs, so that's a plus"

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