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I'm so sorry I've been gone for forever and I understand if there's not as many readers now!
But I'm back!
I'm doing a bit better and I graduated!!!
And I've started at my university
And now it's winter break!
Happy Holidays <33
N e ways-
I really want to keep writing, so I'm back now!
I hope you all are well and I appreciate all of the votes, comments, and reads!
Now,, enjoy your small KaiJay filler chapter <33


Kai smiles and puts down his phone after reading the messages that Yeonjun sent "I knew he was gonna get that job, there was literally no doubt about it" he laughs.

"Honestly!" Jay laughs "I've seen a lot of his art and it's breathtaking" he says "I'm so excited for him!" He adds. "Same here!" Kai says "I want a job that involves some form of art, that would be so cool" he adds.

"Dancing is an art" Jay says "and we all know you're AMAZING at that" he adds "so maybe you could find a job that involves that?" He asks. "Jay, you know I don't dance in front of people" Kai says "or do anything in front of people for that matter. I literally quit the swim team because I can't be in front of people anymore" he laughs.

Jay sighs and gets off of his bed. He reaches his hand out to Kai who was still sitting on Jay's bed. Kai looks at Jay's hand, confused "huh?" He asks.

Jay laughs and rolls his eyes, then grabs Kai by the hand, pulling him up off the bed. Kai's eyes widen and he stumbles, falling onto Jay's chest, laughing "what are you doing?" He asks.

Jay grabs Kai's other hand, then twirls him a circle "dancing with you" he says, smiling at Kai. Kai's face flushed bright pink.

Jay sighs "I know.. a lot has happened" he says "but you have so much talent yknow" he adds as he dips Kai. "You look so beautiful" he says, smiling.

Kai's heart pounds in his chest. Their faces were only inches apart. "Y-you think I'm beautiful?.." was all he could say.

Jay pulls Kai back up "of course" he says "only a dumbass would think you're not beautiful" he laughs, getting closer to Kai's face.

Kai couldn't do anything except stare at Jays lips. Jay notices and a smile creeps up on his face. "What are you smiling at?" Kai asks. Instead of responding, Jay gently holds Kai's face and kisses him.

Right as they were about to pull away,
Kai woke up

Kai wakes up from his amazing dream and jolts up. He looks around frantically, confused. The dream felt so real.

Kai sighs and looks over at Jay, who was sound asleep right next to him. "Stupid dream.." he whispers to himself, flicking his head in hopes to forget about the dream.

Of course, flicking his head did not help.

He sighs to himself. He knew that someone like Jay wouldn't like him. He was gross. Unlovable. A laughingstock.

He gets out of bed and walks to the mirror that hung on his door and stares at his body. He couldn't stop staring at himself and criticizing everything he saw.

As he continues to stare at himself, he suddenly feels arms around him, making him jump. He realizes he sees Jay in the mirror as well.

"What are you doing up?" Kai asks. "I should ask the same for you" Jay replies. "Oh, um, my dream woke me up" Kai says. "Well, why are you staring in the mirror?" Jay asks. Kai just shrugs.

"Hey" Jay says softly, turning Kai around "you're beautiful... I know you don't think so, but you are" he adds, smiling at Kai.

Kai gives Jay a weak smile "thank you." He says, quietly. Jay gently grabs Kai's hand and kisses it softly "you're welcome" he says, smiling.

"Now.. what was your dream about?" Jay asks. "Oh, uh, nothing" Kai says. "Oh cmon, you can tell me" Jay says. "No I can't, and you wouldn't want to know anyways" Kai responds. "Why wouldn't I want to know?" Jay asks. "Trust me, you would think it was disgusting.." Kai laughs.

"Try me" Jay smiles "I don't get disgusted easily" he says. Kai nods no, looking down. "Was it that bad?" Jay asks. Kai nods no "it wasn't bad" he says.

"Huh?" Jay asks "I'm getting mixed signals here" he chuckles. "Uuuuhhhh" Kai says, realizing what he said. "The dream was nice for me, but would be weird for you" Kai says.

"You make it sound like we kissed or something" Jay jokes. Kai tenses up and doesn't speak. "Oh my god.. we did, didn't we?" Jay asks "and you liked it?" He adds. "W-well yeah..." Kai says "oh my god, I'm so sorry you can leave if you want.. I'm so sor-" Kai says but gets caught off by a pair of lips smashing into his.

Kai realizes what was happening and melts into the kiss. He felt so loved as he felt Jay smile into the kiss.

Jay pulls away from the kiss, then kisses Kai's forehead. "I'm so glad you liked your dream" Jay laughs. Kai couldn't respond because of how flustered he was.

"Now that I know..." Jay says, grabbing Kai's hands "will you be my boyfriend Kai?" He asks, looking into Kai's eyes.

Kai smiles wide and nods his head up and down "yes yes yes yes!" He says. Jay hugs Kai tightly "finally" he sighs. Kai chuckles.

"Now, let's go back to sleep, ok?" Jay asks. Kai nods and lays back down. Jay lays next to Kai and holds him close "goodnight" he says quietly. "Goodnight" Kai replies before drifting off to sleep.

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