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A/N: Sorry updates are so slow. I started my online classes and I'm really trying to focus bc I'm in my senior year
N e ways, I hope you guys are enjoying my book <3

Diary Entry #130

Fuck this, fuck everything
I'm so fucking done with this household
I'm going to give Soobin what he wants, even though he thinks I'm "pathetic".. Taehyun texted me what that rat said about me...
I'll do anything for his fucking ex to notice, if I have to kiss him or hold hands with him in front of hundreds of students, the so be it
I need money, desperately
No other job will hire me, but Soobin said that he could convince his parents to hire me, so this is my only choice to get out of here..
Other than.. yknow, dying, but I couldn't do that to Taehyun..
God, time to ruin my life more :)
At least I finally get to go back to school..

Yeonjun closes his diary and walks to school early, he didn't want to be around anyone at the moment.

Yeonjun sits on a picnic table that was behind the school. He puts his hood up and rests his head down on the table, so people won't recognize him.

Suddenly, Yeonjun feels a tap on his shoulder, causing him to jump and look at the person who touched him. He sees Taehyun standing there with a soft smile. "Junie?" The younger asks, quietly. Yeonjun doesn't say anything, he just stands up and hugs Taehyun tightly.

"I missed you" Yeonjun says. Taehyun was shocked, Yeonjun didn't usually act like this. The younger hugs him back "I missed you too, Junie" he says "are you ok?" he asks. "I will be.." Yeonjun says "once I get out of my hellhole of a home" he adds, letting go of Taehyun and sitting back down at the picnic table.

Taehyun sits down next to Yeonjun, then looks at him "seriously.. are you ok?" he asks again. Yeonjun looks at him and just nods no. Taehyun's eyes widen when he sees bruises on the older boys eye and neck "holy shit, Yeonjun! What happened?!" he asks. "I don't want to talk about it..." Yeonjun says. "Yeonjun please?" Taehyun asks. "Not right now.. I promise I'll tell you.." Yeonjun says. Taehyun nods and sighs.

Beomgyu sees Taehyun at a table with someone, so he walks over to them. "You're still wearing my sweater?" Beomgyu asks, making Taehyun jump. "Yes, you let me wear it and it is veery comfortable, so you won't be getting it back any time soon" Taehyun says. Yeonjun smiles at the two of them, they were so cute "just date already" the oldest jokes.

Beomgyu disregards what Yeonjun just said "Yeonjun?! You're back!" he says, smiling. Yeonjun smiles at him and nods "yeah, finally" he says "where is Soobin?" he asks. "He should be here in any minute, he usually comes through the back of the school" Beomgyu says, then sees the bruises "wait.. what happened to your-".

Kai sees the group at the table and literally sprints to them. "Yeonjun you're back!!" he says, cutting Beomgyu off. Yeonjun smiles at the youngest and laughs "yup, its much better than being stuck at home" he says.

Yeonjun was slightly annoyed, because he just kept repeating himself, but at least people liked his presence.

"Do you know where Soobin is, Kai?" Beomgyu asks "he's usually here by now" he adds. "He was behind me, but then I sprinted away because I saw you guys, soooo I dunno" Kai says. Beomgyu rolls his eyes and smiles

Kai turns around and looks for Soobin, then sees a tall figure walking this way. He waves at him, smiling "Soobinnie!" he calls out.

Yeonjun stands up when he sees Soobin walk over. "Hi Ka-" Soobin says, but Yeonjun cuts him off my grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the group.

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