Chapter 1

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It was a normal Monday morning but you can see one lady trying her best to wake her princess so she doesn't get late for her school's first day. She said " Common bacche get up now or you'll be late for your first day in school."

Snuggling into the pillow more, the baby said " 5 mins more mumma pakka"

" Only 5 mins ha " the lady said sternly and went to the kitchen to make breakfast and pack the Tiffin.

Five minutes turned into fifteen minutes but still there was no sound from the princess's room so the lady again went there only to see that her sweet little princess was still sleeping. She went in and pulled open curtains and switched off the fan too.

Groaningly the baby finally sat up on bed and sleepily said " Koni pan hya choti mulgi la zhopun Ka nhii det hya gharat " (Translation- Why don't anyone let this small kid sleep in this house?)

" Ooh choti mulgi time bagha Zara , school sathi late hoto ahe" said her mother. (Translation- ooh small kid see the time , it's getting late for school)

Seeing the clock, the baby said " huh mumma you didn't woke me up on time , now see I'll have to do all things in hurry"

As the baby said this , her mother stood there gasping and heard someone laughing behind her so she turned behind only to find her husband on door.

"Don't you dare laugh Ajju , instead of standing and laughing, go and get your daughter ready for her first day in school and then come for breakfast , I don't know whose sleeping habits she has inherited never wakes up on time ." Muttering this Radhika , Ajinkya's wife , left the room and went to kitchen.

Jinks thinks to himself ' I guess i know the answer but I won't say it aloud ', 'what are you thinking ajju it's been 5 years don't think about him' his conscience scolded him.

And then he got busy with making Arya ready and then making her eat breakfast and then they both went to drop her to school.

Time skip

Arya comes running towards Radhika after school and hugs her , Radhika also hugs her back and asks "How was your day Baccha , did you like your new school ?"

" Yesss mumma this school is so nice and I made so many friends even one Didi from higher grade became my friend " said Arya enthusiastically.

" Accha, Aru how did you made friend from higher grade " asked Radhika smiling.

" Actually mumma that Didi saved me from falling down the stairs in Recess time." Said Arya.

"What ? You fell down the stairs , did you get hurt anywhere Baccha ?" Asked Radhika checking Aru for any injuries.

" Mumma I said na that Didi saved me from falling down " said Arya.

" AHH sorry Baccha mumma thought you got hurt and vese who's this didi and did you said thank you to her " asked Radhika

" Yes mumma I said thanks and that Didi is in grade 4 , she said her name is Sam samm something I couldn't say it properly so she said I can call her Sammy didi" said Arya.

Listening Arya say Sammy for once Radhika thought that could this Sammy be their Sammy boo then pacifying herself that it can't be as they haven't seen each other for 5 years now.

Arya's yell brought Radhika out of her thoughts and she asked aru " What happened Baccha?"

" See mumma there , that's Sammy didi with Dhruv " pointed Arya towards car.

When radhika looked they were already in car , so radhika asked her " now who is this Dhruv baby and I couldn't see your Didi Baccha"

" Oooh hoo , mumma that Dhruv ,he stays in our society , we play together" said Arya.

" Accha okay Baccha now come let's go home." Said radhika going towards her car.

" Yes mumma let's go , what if I get to meet Didi in society as she went with dhruv , she can be his sister na , come come let's go" said an excited Arya.

Shaking her head Radhika started the car and came home with ever excited Arya jumping around.

In evening Arya went down to play and saw her Didi there with dhruv and then asked to join them to play , they played for sometime untill her Didi said that her dad will come to take her home so she need to go up and be ready to leave . So even happy Arya came shouting " Mumma Mumma I met Didi again she____"
She was saying something but stops seeing Jinks in hall and says " Baba you are home so early " and jumps on him.

Jinks smiles at her antics and says " Yes I came early because Jassi is coming to visit and who's this didi you were talking about "

Listening Jassi's name Arya yells " What Jass chachu is coming today ...yaaaayy..and about Didi, she is my new friend from school she helped me " saying this Arya went towards her room to freshen up.

After sometime, when Arya come out from her room, she saw that her Baba was talking with someone in the hall. Recognizing who the person was , Arya dashed towards the person to hug him. But remembering that she was supposed to be angry on him , she said " Baba, tell Jassi chachu, I'm angry on him, he didn't come to meet me yesterday."

" Aww, kiddo, aesa Kabhi huwa h , I come to Mumbai and didn't meet you. Actually I was strucked in a boring sa meeting." Jasprit said handling her the chocolates , he brought for his princess .

A few minutes ago,
" I missed you Jinsky bhaiya" said Jassi hugging Jinks tightly.
" You sure you missed me because we talked in the morning only." Jinks said.

At the exact moment, Ajinkya's phone ringed . Seeing the caller ID, Jinks sighed.

" Jinksy how could you do this ? " Exclaimed a furious Virat. To be honest , Jinks saw this coming .

" Woh Virat , something urgent meeting come up , so I couldn't be there." Ajinkya said crossing his finger as he had too lie to his best friend but he can't tell the truth either.

" It's not done Jinksy you know how much I was waiting for this reunion and Nidhu's b'day was the perfect excuse and you missed it." Virat said with sadness quite evident from his voice.

" Don't worry Vi I will make up for it. And presently , I need to go , someone's calling " Ajinkya said and hanged up the call without waiting for a reply.

Jassi who was present there , having heard the whole conversation said " Jinksy Bhaiya you should have come there yesterday, even he wasn't -----" Jassi was about to say but at the same time , someone dashed to him and he was caught off balanced.


So guys here's our first chapter, please let us know your feedback and if you like it then please vote and comment.

And also today is happy day as India won and we have made series 1-1. This test match was just amazing with various hero's and happy moments to cherish.😇

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