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Hey hey hey, this is Daphne and Jordan's story! If you haven't read Locking Stars, the first story in this series, I recommend you do! But this story is totally allowed to be a stand alone! Enjoy!

Most people feel like they come full circle. Today, I am totally not coming full circle. It's Halloween and last Halloween I was going to a Halloween party with the boy of my dreams and having the best time of my life.

This year, I'm sitting in my dorm waiting for drunk college kids to collect candy from my door. Ash and I decided to participate in the Dorm Trick or Treat this year but little did we know, that her parents were having her dad's family from California over this weekend. Her and Derek left last minute and now I'm stuck doing this all by myself.

I probably should have invited friends, but I'm sure they would rather be out partying than be stuck in Ash and I's small dorm.

When Brooks broke up with me I was a wreck. I didn't know what to do with myself. I went home for the summer and only decided to socialize when my friends asked to hang out or my parents needed me for something. I loved Brooks and I think he loved me too, but I guess not enough to try and make it work.

He left for Boston in June and I haven't heard from him or seen him since. Not even Derek and Tyler have heard from him, which makes it seem like he never cared in the first place. It took me all these months to realize if he really did care, he would be talking to me on the phone or visiting, but clearly that's not the case, since he's there and I'm here.

I think I've cared too much of what boys think about me over the years and I let Brooks leaving get to me. Now, I'm almost twenty years old and a sophomore in college who isn't going to let boys ruin me being me.

I hear a knock on the door and walk over to open it, bucket of candy in hand.

I'm surprised to find a very unstable and drunk Jordan Brody, Ash's cousin and new roommate of Derek and Tyler, standing outside my door.

I stare at him. "Jordan?" I ask.

He looks a mess. His blonde hair is all ruffled up and his dark jacket hangs off one shoulder. The black shirt underneath the jacket, looks like someone threw a drink on it.

He gives me a drunken smile. "Blondie!" He exclaims.

He says it so loud people walking in the hallway give us weird looks. He looks down at the candy in my hands and his eyes widen with interest.

"Can I have some?" He asks, innocently.

I give him a face. "Jordan, what are you doing here?" I ask.

He seems to think about it a moment and then shrugs. "I knew this was Ash's dorm so I thought I could crash here." He slurs. He then shakes his head. "I can't drive so..."

I fight not to roll my eyes. Jordan is the bane of Ash and I's existence. Ever since he arrived here, he's been a pain. He's not ugly, or rude, or mean. He's just annoying. And as Ash's cousin, everything he does somehow ends up back to Ash.

A girl once knocked on our dorm while he, Derek, and Tyler were over and the girl threw a whole bottle of wine at him and cracked open staining the carpet. Oh, and another time, Jordan tried to get with our dorm neighbor, Olivia, and she now won't talk to us because Jordan never called her and apparently broke her heart.

That's not even the full length of things but for now, I guess the least I can do, is not let him die drunk driving.

I open the door and he waltzes in. He goes for Ash's bed and falls onto it.

"You're not gonna puke are you?" I ask.

His eyes are closed but he shakes his head. I look at the clock and see that it's almost midnight. I decided to put the candy away and ignore the noise from outside. I shut the light off and grab my computer to watch a show.

As I que up Netflix on my computer, I heard Jordan shift and I looked over to him looking at me.

"What are you doing?" He asks tiredly.

"Watching a show." I say, with no care to converse with him and bring my attention back to the computer.

"You're kinda boring you know that?" He says and yawns.

I whip my head towards him and glare. "I am not."

He scoffs. "Yes you are. Ever since stuck up boy left you aren't fun anymore."

I give him a non impressed look. "You barely knew me before Brooks left." I say.

He shrugs. "Knew you well enough to know that you can't let him tear you down, Blondie."

I cross my arms over my chest. "First of all, he didn't tear me down, I am just fine, and second of all, you're the manwhore of the school so why should I take advice from you?"

His turn to glare. "I," he says, pointing to himself. "Don't let girls take away my fun."

I roll my eyes and decide to stop listening to him. He seems to get the gist and lays his head down onto Ash's pillow and closes his eyes. His breathing gets even and he's fast asleep.

I watch his sleeping face, curiously, and wonder why he is the way he is. He's just as committed to hockey as Derek is and has an equal skill level but he is so different from Derek. He's always got to have the last laugh is what Ash says. I don't know, maybe it's just the way he is. I'm not sure.

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