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I feel like a total asshole walking to my Coach's office in my suit, ready for a game, but in this instance, I'm here an hour early before call time so I can give the Flyers my answer. I haven't told Daphne about this. I've known long enough that I should have by now. But I didn't. Was it out of fear? I'd have to say yes. The way I feel about Daphne is nothing like I've ever felt. No matter how cheesy and cliche that sounds, I don't want to stress her out about something she doesn't need to worry about.

Even if I say yes to this offer, I'm not going to just up and leave. I'm terrified to lose her now and we are together like 95% of the time.

My anxious energy doesn't roll off my body as I sit in the waiting area. I rub my hands over my thighs going through what I'm going to say. At this point, I have no idea. I'm basically going to see how I feel in the moment. It's like my decision to play college hockey. I originally wanted to come to Teakwood freshman year but it was always Ash's dream to go here. I didn't want to rub it in when I was some hockey superstar and she was just the cousin who happened to go there too. Ash doesn't even know about my decision to attend Kingston instead of Teakwood my freshman year.

When the Coach called me, I was already planning on transferring. It just seemed to fall into place.

The door to Coach's office opens. He walks out, lifting a hand to wave me in. I stand and follow him into the office.

He sits down at his desk. "You made your decision, Brody?"

"Yes sir." No sir, I say in my head.

He dials the number and as it rings I bite the inside of my cheek. Coach probably sees my calm presence but on the inside I'm freaking the fuck out.

"Coach Koon." The man on the other line greets. The phone is on speaker so he calls out for me. "And I assume Mr. Brody is in attendance."

I chuckle. "Yes sir." I say, in the calmest voice I can make out.

The man clears his throat. "Well I'm Neil Hanson and I hear you've got a decision for me regarding our offer."

The statement makes me tense. What's the answer Jordan?


Ash and I make small talk as we wait in line to get into the game. I haven't seen Jordan since this morning when he left my dorm, seeming in a rush. He claims it's a warm up for the game but I'm thinking otherwise. He's hiding something and Jordan isn't one to do that. He's very talkative and makes sure everyone knows what's bothering him or what's on his mind.

It makes me a little nervous that something might be going on but I have been trying to calm myself. It could be nothing? Maybe he just isn't feeling well today.

Ash and I take our seats in the stadium after getting a soda. We missed the guys coming out of the tunnel so we just watch them warm up. Watching Jordan skate across the ice, he doesn't look like he feels sick. He looks the opposite actually. Skating up and down the ice with a bright look on his face. Maybe I was overthinking it.

The buzzer sounds and the players get in position to start. The game seems to go by fast. Each quarter becomes even more intense as the game goes on. My eyes are always glued to either Derek or Jordan. They are lighting fast and are fantastic out there. One of the goals Jordan makes, Ash and I jumped up and down and screamed to the top of our lungs. Jordan found me in the stands and blew me a kiss. The people in front of us probably were confused but he looked straight at me, eyes bright with excitement.

The game ends, Teakwood winning 3-1. Ash and I animatedly talk about the game waiting for the guys.

"How are you and Derek?" I ask cautiously. Her and Derek always get through stuff. Or, at least from what I know of. This thing with Brooks has kind of thrown them off and I hate that it has to do with me.

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