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Locking Stars is almost to 12k views AHH that's so crazyyyy! Enjoy Chapter 9!

Shutting the door behind me, I fight off tears I didn't even notice were falling down my cheeks. I don't know why I feel this way or why I let Jordan get to me. That was my deal wasn't it? Not let boys run how I feel. But somehow, this is different. Jordan kind of snuck up on me with his volunteering with the kids and actually doing the project with me.

But on that balcony was exactly why I ignored him and loathed him all this time. I know I care about Jordan to a weird extent but I feel like I barely know him. Or at least, the real him.

The door creaks open and my head shoots over to it, seeing Jordan pop his disheveled blonde head and the same blue eyes gaze at me. I frown and nod for him to come in.

I'm sitting on the edge of the nice bed I'm sleeping in this weekend and he takes a spot next to me.



We speak at the same time and then it goes silent for a moment.

Jordan breaks the silence first. "Daphne, I'm sorry." He says. "I didn't mean to argue with you and I had no reason to bring that up, it's just-"

He hesitates. "It's what?" I ask.

"I just don't want you to think I'm god awful all the time." He says and it surprises me a little. "I know Ash does and so does Hallie but they're my family and they are entitled to be annoyed with me." I chuckle at that and his lips turn up. "Can we start over?" He asks.

I watch him for a moment. This is a new Jordan I haven't seen before.

I sigh and nod. "Of course, I'm sorry I let it get in my head."

He shrugs. "Eh it's alright," he says, waving me off. He scoots back to the pillows and puts his hands behind his head. "So, whatcha want to do?"

I make a face, confused. "What do you mean?" I ask, curiously.

He grins. "Well Ash and Derek are bound to be doing... well whatever they do when they are alone,"

I snort.

"And Hallie said something about watching Bachelor reruns." He says, a twinge of disgust on his face that makes me laugh.

"You don't like that show?" I ask.

He exaggeratedly shakes his head. "Hell no." He says. "It's just a bunch of desperate people who think they can find love on TV."

"You do have a point." I say, giggling at his disgusted face.

"Anyways," he begins. "It's just me and you Blondie." His gaze goes a little suggesting. A little anticipation swells in my stomach but I push it away since, like I said, I need to know him first before any of that.

"Hmmm," I say, thinking about what I could do to make Jordan squirm just a little more. Something comes to mind. "Twenty questions. And if you can't answer a question you have to take a drink."

One of his eyebrows raises. "You trying to get me drunk, Blondie?"

I shake my head. "Nope, just for fun. We don't need to get fully drunk, just as a punishment for not answering the question." I say and he nods chuckling.

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