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Okay I'm sorry, I feel like all these chapters are a taddd short but I'm trying to get their story moved along so I can get to the more exciting parts haha. Anywaysss enjoy!

Jordan drives down the highway to a place I've never been before. It's about twenty minutes from campus and my whole mind spins on where he could be bringing me.

Yes, I was very out of line with Jordan in the library, but I genuinely feel like what I was saying, was what I felt about him.

Jordan was always a topic Ash would bring up when she came home from a trip back to see her family and ever since he got here I've experienced it for myself. I do believe Jordan has a good side, I've seen a small part of it before. Something small but it convinced me that it's there. And even in the library when he was talking to me. He had this sense of comfort I didn't even know he was capable of.

We pull up to an outdoor ice skating rink. I look at it very curiously and see young kids in hockey gear skating around the ice and from afar I see parents and what looks like a coach standing on the edge of the ice.

I look at Jordan who is staring right at me.

"What is this?" I ask curiously.

His lips turn up in a smile. His eyes go to gaze at the rink. "I don't just like to play hockey."

My eyebrows scrunch together in further confusion. "I'm still not following."

He chuckles, "At home," referring to his last college. "I was basically forced into a community service job after getting penalized for drinking."

Of course he would. But we aren't judging anymore right? Right.

"I was placed in a junior hockey league as an assistant type coach." He says, smiling fondly at the memory. "Since I couldn't play for a few weeks, Coach thought of the idea to teach my skills instead of keeping going in the cycle I was in." His expression seems to shift and he swallows. He then looks back at me. "Most of what you said in the library was right about me. I'm not saying it didn't relate to Brooks...because it did,"

I frown, "Jordan," I warn.

He puts his hands up in defense. "I know, I know, but I'm telling you that not all you said was wrong. I have been stupid, cocky, and thought I could do whatever the hell I wanted to." His eyes trail back to the kids smiling and skating on the ice. "But after that week or so of coaching some kids who just really loved to play, my whole perspective changed and when I came here I knew I wanted to continue that."

I smile, gazing at his face that seems so proud and dignified watching children skate on the ice. "That's great Jordan."

He nods. "It changed my life. That's why I brought you here." He takes the keys out of the ignition and grabs his wallet and phone. I follow suit and exit the car with him.

I follow along side him as we near the rink. It's beautiful out here. Pine trees line the area and there is just this beautiful way the setting sun catches it that makes me smile.

"Jordan!" I hear children's voices cheer.

I watch Jordan's face light up as he waltzes over the edge of the rink.

"Hey guys!" He says, excitedly.

"I thought you weren't supposed to come today?" A young boy without two front teeth asks.

Jordan nods. "I wasn't, but I decided to bring a friend to watch you guys." Jordan regards me and all the kids eyes fall onto me.

A smile grows on my face and I wave. "I'm Daphne, nice to meet you."

One of the boys tilts his head curiously. "Are you Coach Jordan's girlfriend?" He asks.

I let out a nervous laugh but contained myself. "Um no," I say, awkwardly. "We are just friends." I really hope my cheeks aren't heating up. It's cold out here I'll just blame it on that.

Jordan chuckles. "Sorry to disappoint boys, Blondie doesn't think I'm cute."

I snorted. "Oh geez." I say.

The boys all join in a chorus of laughter and both Jordan and I do too.

We hear a whistle blow in the distance and all the young boys' heads whip around at the sound.

"Hey lazy bones!" The Coach yells. "Get your behind's over here before you have to run lines." I hear silent gasps from all the boys and not even a second later they are racing off.

Jordan and I chuckle and I look over at him.

I sigh. "I'm sorry." I say.

He shrugs. "It's alright. You did nothing wrong. I've got some bad history and people know me for it."

I slit my eyes at him. "You haven't given up all the Jordan stuff." I accuse.

He shrugs, clearly guilty by the look on his face. I just scoff and roll my eyes.

"But Daphne," he starts. "That's why I brought you here. I want you to know that I'm not all that bad. I want you to like me."

I'm a little taken aback when he says that. "Like you? I'm not so sure. But respect you enough to tolerate you? It's do-able."

He chuckles and rolls his eyes. "You're never gonna like me are you Blondie?"

I smile and shrug. "Never say never, Brody."

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