No Day Dream Part 12

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"Ibrahim are you going to be ok, to see mother again" Atike asked

In all honesty she wasn't ready to see their mother again.

"I'm going to have to be ready to see her again, Ready or Not."

"I know I don't know Kosem Sultan as well as you too, but I do know one thing she would never kill her children. Right now the most important thing is that we stay alive and stay together." Rosa said calmly. But she was not clam on the inside 

Out of all of them Rosa is the most likely to be killed. She was the concubine from the sultan's harem who ran off with a prince. She was the one who did not have any royal blood. And she would be easily blamed for ibraham running off and having children.

Meanwhile in a random ottoman Fortress

"Sultan, I have news for you. It seems that kosem Sultan spies have tracked down your long lost brother Ibrahim and now are returning him to the Capitol."

"Ibrahim, Ibrahim is alive." Sultan Murad was shocked he had accepted the fact that his brother was no longer with him, like many others who he cared about.

"How could this be? How could our brother be alive for over 10 years and not send any contacts to us" Prince Bayezid said.

It has been years since he had seen his brother but there was always a part of him that believed he was alive and in a happier place. Bayezid sometimes wondered if he should take the path that Ibrahim took. to disappear to leave the palace and everything you ever knew to try and strike out for a new life. But Bayezid had political ambitions to keep him from disappearing.

He thought his brother Murad was a tyrant and the only way to save the ottoman Dynasty and the empire was to replace him as sultan. Also his not-so-friendly rivalry with kasim always kept his mind in the present and not in a daydream. 

Kosem sultan: Death for the dynastyWhere stories live. Discover now