To the future Part 4

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Back in current times kosem Sultan stares out at the skyline of Istanbul. Life has gotten Cruller ever since Ibrahim disappearance over 10 years ago but more betrayal has yet to come. Besides Prince Bayezid causing endless amounts of problems with his mother(Who's supposed to be dead but isn't)Gulbahar Sultan.

And now her daughter Sultana Akita has her own Spy Network to try and take down her. Ever since he found out kosem had tried to Murder her husband she her daughter are having endless problems.

A knock on the door pulls her out of her thoughts.

"Sultana" The woman in nice blue dress Bow's to her "What do you have to say to me Lalezar kalfa" The Sultana questions "sultana I bring you news, Sultan Murad is considering going on another campaign soon" Custom nods her head the though there is much animosity between her and murad, his  victory are something she will always be proud of. "But He is taking measures to bring both Prince kasim And Prince Bayezid"

Kosem's mind is instantly alert. Why take both princes? She questions.  Lalezar kalfa leaves the room to go back to her job as one of the stewardesses of the harem and now to kosem a new plan. She had to ensure the safety and survival of her prince kasim.

Although going on a campaign would be good for him and would give him more exposure and experience, the dangers outweigh the positive especially with his brothers. Bayazid had already been on several campaigns with his brother murad so he didn't really need anything.

Another knock at the door kosem turns  around to greet one of her most trusted servants, Haci. "Sultana I bring you news from the council".

"What has my son the sultan done this time."

"The sultan has made public all the evidence against the secret Christian Society. I believe he is trying to make all of his  subjects, despite religion commence a Witch Hunt for the traitors."

"Good those bastards have created more problems for me and my children then almost everyone else in the past 10 years. You know sometimes I still remember being sent to Esther's head."

"We belong to God and to Him we shall return."


"But Sultana that's not the most important news I bring you" He takes a few step closer

"I received word that Sultana Akiti spies might have tracked Down Sultana gulbahar."

"Finally my daughter's hostilities towards me finally brought some good. Ready the carriage I want to go and see her face."

Kosem sultan: Death for the dynastyWhere stories live. Discover now