chapter 2 unexpected question

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Hey guys i got so excited when i realized i had 20 views i know its not a lot but it makes me proud to see you guys read it, i have added some twist to my story which was not included in my original plot. Enjoy and keep making me happy by viewing and sharing my story X


This was him right, I mean he is my fantasy guy he can’t be real, I tried to find any logical explanation for this. What is the chance of meeting your fantasy guy one in a million?

“Well at least you made to class”, grinned Mr James “introduce yourself to your fellow class mates”

“My name is Ali Zakariya, I’m from New York, I moved here because my parents found a job here and that’s about it guy”, he smiled slightly rubbing the back of his neck. His sky blue eyes scanned the class room quickly.

“Thank you Ali, we are working on science project based on each groups choice of scientific theory, you’re in group 7 with Reshma and Sarah who are sitting right at the back table with a spare seat”, Mr James explained pointing at me and Reshma.

I started to panic, this is just so overwhelming, I needed to get over this unexpected event. I started taking deep breathes I learned in yoga and composed myself while he walked to our table

“Hi girls, am Ali nice to meet you” , he smiled showing his cute dimple. I mentally slapped myself for wishing for an eye candy.

“We know, you just introduced yourself”, Reshma responded sarcastically

“Hey, nice to meet you to, Reshma quite sarcastic as you could see”, I pointed out the obvious. While Reshma rolled her eyes, pulling out her notepad and pens.

“What are you have you guys choose to do”, he asked moving down the bench getting closer to me since I sat in the middle of the bench. I got a whiff of sweet musky cologne and tried not to breathe too much.

“We are doing protein synthesis 3D model”, explained Reshma all sign of sarcasm disappearing from her face. We spent the next hour discussing the model structure. As we were walking out of the class room I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable at the situation and sighed

“so whose house are we going to meet up in to do the project”, Ali asked. I looked at Reshma knowing that there was no way a non mahram guy(a guy not related to a girl) was allowed into my house. Reshma nodded in understanding me.

“We could do it at the library after school every Thursday”, she replied jogging up to the girls waiting at the entrance

“Erm, okay”, he mumbled at her retrieving back “ your friends are waiting for you” he nodded in their direction

“Bye, see you on Thursday”, I mumbled and waved awkwardly. I could never speak to a guy normally.

Sitting in the bus on my way home the girls kept throwing concerned looks my way making me feel self-conscious.

“I can’t take this silence any longer spill”, screamed Yasmin. Drawing the attention of everyone on the bus. I slowly started explaining what happened and waited for them to make an input.

“Wow, now that is what I call needing a reality check are sure you weren’t dreaming in your lesson”, sighed Amber in shock, giving me you better not be lying looks.

“yep, he looks like the way she described him”, Reshma explained.

When I arrived home I was just as confused as before with my girls not being able to answer the unexpected. When the sun set arrived I prayed magrib asking Allah for guidance and forgiveness. I walked downstairs to the kitchen watching my mom cook her mouth-watering Karnıyarık dish. This is one of the most popular turkey dish and made you feel like I was back at home. My smiled as soon as she saw me moving strands of her chestnut hair away from her face.

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