chapter 4 sleepover

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sorry guys i haven't been on watt-pad for ages. uni just got the better of me. i promise to write the next chapters ever two days. enjoy , vote and share.

Sarah POV

Once the twins mother’s pasta was ready and I surprisingly found a box of food my mom hid in the under sink cabinet with a note.

I knew you would forget that your friends were coming around and you must have found the food and note after raiding all the cupboards. Enjoy your sleepover am going to be staying with my aunt Salma. Make sure the house is clean x the best mum in the world.

I couldn’t help but laugh moms are just the greatest. Islam has given them such big status, they went through so much carrying us for nine months, giving birth to us and caring for us day and night. The prophet said that paradise lies beneath her your mothers feet. This shows not only the significance of obeying your parents but the rights they have. I opened the box delighted by the variety of snacks it held. We had Doritos and Oreos my two favourites alongside the girl’s favourites. She even bought 10 boxes of microwavable popcorn. I made a dua for my mother and thanked Allah for having her as a mother. Reshma walked into the kitchen as I started plating up everyone’s food she kept fidgeting and humming. Strange.

“What’s up Resh, your humming?” I asked handing her two plates.

“You know  Malik right, the cricket club captain” she replied “well he asked me to tutor him and since he lives next door I said okay” she looked at me waiting for me to say something. I wasn’t the funniest in neither the group nor the cleverest but I was the listener who gave good  advice as I was told by my girls.

“well I trust you Resh but you know that he after something right, why didn’t he ask you last year or in school? He’s a player plus you’re the only Pakistani girl who oblivion to his charms” I explained. I hated Malik he was in my sociology class .watching him sitting next to different Asian girl each week and flirting with them was getting on my nerves.

“I know but his Dad going through this whole company scam thing and if my dad’s law company get the case it could increase their company reputation, he came over last night to my house and asked my dad, my dad thinks he’s an gentleman but my brothers weren’t happy” even I knew how big the Latifs cash and carry was there was one everywhere in Birmingham.

“Well since you obviously don’t like him, it should be alright” I answered but couldn’t help but see Reshma giving me a fake smile. We carried the plates to living room were the girls were playing Just Dance on Wii. Zaynab was currently winning Amber, shaking her booty to  dominos. Yasmin was texting on her phone oblivion to her surroundings; her eyes had this glazed look confirm that it was her fiancé. Hannah just sat there staring at the wall.

“Girls let’s eat.” I motioned to the food on the table, we all dug in until the twins stopped.

“Do you have any banana by any chance?” asked Yasmin smiling sheepishly, zaynab smiled

“I want a banana too, don’t you Hannah you love banana pasta right?” zaynab asked Hannah

“Yep, get me one two?” she mumbled, lost in  her own thoughts. Somali people were so funny banana was their thing; they had it with any pasta, rice and other dishes. I tried it once but didn’t like the combo whereas Hannah became a banana addict. I grabbed some banana for the Somali chicks and the wannabe. I sat staring at Hannah for abit as she silently ate.

“Hannah what wrong? Don’t you dare say nothing” I asked knowing that she deny it again, she had a great personality but didn’t like to confine in people.

“It’s my brother, Abdul hakim, he didn’t invite us to his next game, I think he still blames dad” she sighed. We all knew her brother for his great personality he always made us laugh but an unfortunate car accident left the college football captain in a wheelchair. He was so depressed that he was moved to Dubai Arabian ranches to live with his uncle.

“oh, well you guys should give him time, he still getting over his loss” stated Zaynab, when did she become wise, she was wearing sponge bob shorts with a I love banana t shirt which was comical. Hannah nodded and we continued eating.

“When he coming back? “Asked Amber. We all knew she had a crush on him; they had this special relationship before the accident. He always blushed when she talked to him it was too cute; she never admitted her feeling but realised it now after he was gone.

“I don’t think he coming back any time soon” she replied sadly.

After dinner we all sat down on the floor spinning a bottle to see who was going to share their secrets first. We all prayed not to be first but sadly it landed on Zaynab.

“well, I fancy this guy, he always wears a hoodie, black hair with shiny locks and brown eyes, no further information because I know you guys will tease me” she state so quickly that we were all speechless, zaynab had a crush, it was the end of the world. Zaynab sat there blushing trying to hide behind her hairs.

“what? Amber yelled “ you better explain before we tickle you to death” she started tickling zaynab but she never let a word slip.

Was it just me or was everyone in love with someone. I can’t believe we all grew up so quickly only last year were we in secondary school, innocent little girls in love with Korean dramas, but here we are having boy drama.

Yusuf POV

I sat in the hotel lobby typing my coursework. I can’t believe they manage to make a coursework for accountancy. These people just wanted to kill us in our final year. I stared at the ceiling trying to keep my eyes open. Sitting 5 hours straight on a laptop was not good. Mum and dad asked me to go outside seeing but I refused reminding them of my 24 hour deadline.

“Excuse me sir,  your mother asked me to give you some food, she said you might be sitting her for hours and she was right” said  a red haired women, she was holding  KFC meal towards me.

“Erm, thank you but is it Halal?” I asked before attempting to take the tempting meal.

“Yes, I will take my leave now” she replied placing the food on the table in hurry. I quickly placed my laptop to the side and dug in like a caveman. I was bought back to reality by a loud giggle.

“Your cute” said this blonde girl. I stared at her wondering what she was doing here.

“I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?” she asked oblivious to my stares. Her face had too much make up for my liking and her clothes screamed slut. Islam blessed women with modesty. I mean how can you go out of your house barely dressed and feel comfortable. I tried to not look at her again but she took this gesture in a wrong way.

“ohhh you’re one of those shy guys,” she grinned. I stared at her with disgust and continued to eat my food. I can’t stand girls like that they got on my nerves, if only she knew I was trying to preserve her modesty by not eyeing her like other guys did.

“I don’t date girls” I replied trying to get her to leave.

“Why do all hot guys have to be gay?” she asked, typing in her phone. I laughed silently tying my best not to correct her. I did like girls but ones like Sarah I thought. my brain screamed. This girl has been consuming my brain for days on end.  

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