Dream Come True

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"It's like grumpy old men," Sam laughed, after watching his older brother and father figure fighting.

"Shut up Sam!" Bobby and a older Dean yelled at Sam for his wise crack.

You couldn't help let out a little laugh at them. No matter how many times you watched this episode, you found it particularly funny. Your school books were sprawled out all over you queen size bed. You had a huge creative writing final next week and you had a script to memorize for your next theatre class. But as always, you saw your box-sets of Supernatural sitting on your shelf and you had to put one on. So there you were, leaning against the head board, textbooks forgotten at your feet while you watched your favourite Winchester, Dean.

Just as the episode was getting good you heard your phone start to go off with the chorus of "Carry On My Wayward Son". You slid your finger across the screen and placing it to your ear.

"Hello?" you answered as you pushed pause on your remote.

"Hi, is this (Full Name)" a male voice that sounded very familiar asked you.

"Who's asking?" you say shifting your phone to your shoulder so you could pick up one of your textbooks.

"Sorry, I'm Eric Kripke. The creator of the show Supernatural. You auditioned for the part of Vicki. So I'm just calling you to let you know you got the part," the man tells you.

You almost drop your phone. A few weeks ago your agent had landed you an audition for the roll as Vicki, a young hunter who teams up with the boy's after the death of her fiancé. You had been over the moon about reading for the part because not only would you get to work on your all time favourite TV show but also cause you would get to work with your favourite actor, Jensen Ackles. However, when you never heard back, you assumed they had found someone else. That is until now.

"Hello?" Mr. Kripke asks.

You shook your head, "Sorry, yes this is (Full Name). And do I really have the part?" you ask, trying to sound professional.

"Yes, you do. I've emailed you the script. We start filming first thing Monday morning. I will tell security to be expect you," he informs you.

You couldn't believe this was happening. You nudge your phone between your ear and shoulder so you can check your email. After scanning through a ton of junk mail you find the one containing the script.

"I'll be there. Thank you so much, Mr. Kripke," you all but scream into the phone.

You hear him laugh on the other end of the line. "Please, call me Eric. And I look forward to meeting you on Monday."

You thank him again before hanging up. The second you press end, you scream with joy! This was the best thing to ever happen to you. Starting Monday you were going to be apart of the Supernatural team.

Suddenly your room-mate comes bursting into your room, a worried look on her face.

"(Name)? What's wrong?" Rebecca asked, holding her boyfriends bat.

You jump off the bed and run over to her. "Rebecca! Guess what, guess what!" you squeal, this time jumping up and down.

After realizing that you weren't in any mortal danger, she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest. "(Name), if this has anything to do with that show you are obsessed with I swear . . ."

"I got the part!" you scream, cutting her off.

Her hazel eyes grow wide. "You did! That's great! Which one? Was it the one for that movie they were filming in London?" she asked, her excitement almost at the level yours was.

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