Con Drama

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You couldn't believe you were there! Other then getting a part on your all time favourite TV show, going to the Supernatural Con in Rome was a close second. And now you were not just at the con, you were part of it!

Sebastian walks over to where you were sitting in the green room, nervous as hell. He passed you a drink and sat down next to you.

"Looks likes someone's a little nervous," he laughs, nodding towards your shaking legs.

You bite your bottom lip and sigh. "Is it that obvious?"

"The earthquake your creating over here is a bit of a give away," he teases.

A smile appears on your face as you elbow him playfully. He laughs and wraps his arm around your shoulder just as Jensen walked in. His eyes lock on yours instantly. You feel your heart do yet another loop-de-loop before you can stop it. It has been months since you and Jensen filmed your little kissing scene. Now every time you would look at him you could feel how perfect his lips had fit on yours. The worse part is you knew he had feelings for you but he still thought Jared was just pulling his legs when he told him you had feelings for him. Plus there was the small little fact that he was already married.

Jensen smiles and waves at you. Sebastian's grip tightened around your shoulders, which didn't go unnoticed by Jensen. Since that day in the make-up trailer, Sebastian had started acting a lot more then just a friend whenever Jensen was around. You figured it was just cause he was protecting you from getting your heart broken again.

The bow legged actor walks over to were you guys were sitting, glancing at Sebastian's arm. "We're up next (Name). They want us to head towards the stage," he informs you.

Suddenly your face goes pale. This was your first panel ever and you were nervous as hell! "O-okay," you stutter, feeling yourself glued to the couch.

"(Name) is a little nervous for her first panel," Sebastian tells him, trying to hide a laugh.

Jensen smiles and reaches a hand out to you. "It's okay, I'll make sure they go easy on you."

You place a shaky hand in his and let him pull you to your feet. "When I dreamed of being here I was in the audience not on stage," you confess, still shaking.

"Your going to be fine, (Name). The fans love you! I saw at least twenty fans cosplaying Vicky on my way here," he tells you, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.

Sebastian clears his throat bringing you back from the daze Jensen's green eyes were causing. You quickly drop his hand and slide them into your pockets. Sebastian places a gentle hand on your shoulder.

"I hate to admit it but Jensen's right. Your going to be great. Just relax and have fun! That's all the fans expect," Sebastian says with a smile.

You nod and take a deep breath. You could do this, after all you did fight demons and angels on a daily bases. Okay you played a girl who fought demons and angels on a daily bases but that had to count for something.

After giving Sebastian a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, you follow Jensen out of the green room. Misha and Richard were still doing their panel when you arrive back stage. Through the crack in the curtain you could see Richard standing on his chair and Misha had popped his collar. Right away you knew that Richard was pretending to be Jared while Misha was Jensen. You hold back a laugh when you see Jensen's face when he realized what they were doing.

Suddenly the glint you knew all to well appeared in his green eyes. A smile appears on your face as you cross your arms against your chest, waiting to hear his plan. Jensen turned to you and pointed at Misha before pointing at you then from himself to Richard. You smile and nod just as the director of the con motions for you guys to head on stage.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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