Her Truth

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My body hurts and tears stain my face and I don't have any energy. All I can feel is the pain, but I have still somehow managed to make it through an entire day of school. I completely forgot to talk to Josh, well Mr. Ashton, about tutoring in history class. I just felt to drained to talk because I had never been beaten before I started living with the Castles. Last night was the worse it has ever been and I was not prepared mentally or emotionally to deal with that, but thankfully Mr. Ashton didn't find it necessary to talk to me. I know we have to talk as teacher and student so he can turn in paperwork to the office so it will be properly documented and scheduled with the tutoring center.

Once I make my way to Mr. Ashton's classroom, for the third and final time today, I go to his desk "sir," he didn't seem to hear me so I spoke up a little louder, "Mr. Ashton?" He looks up this time, so I continue, "We should talk about tutoring," I tell him. "Actually just stay after class for a few minutes, please beautiful." Our conversation was already being whispered, but he lowered his voice a bit more, when he called me beautiful. It caused my cheeks to burn and I instantly felt happier just a smidge.


I stay seated, and I hear the students leave the room and the door close. I, then, hear footsteps come in my direction; I sigh and lift my head from the desk.

"Lena, hey what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing Mr. Ashton, why do you ask?" I answer him, not able to look him in the eyes, while I lied.

"Hey come on now, school is over, call me Josh"

"Well, nothing is wrong Josh, we just have to talk about tutoring and I have a bus I have to catch."

"I already sent the paperwork to the office noting I'll be tutoring you. I don't need to make any set schedule since I'm a teacher, with the key to the tutor center ."

"Then why in the hell did you ask me to stay? You could've just texted me." I don't know where the outburst came from, it's just miss-placed anger. I can see myself missing the bus because of him, which will result in another beating. My body hasn't even healed, in the slightest, from the last one I received.

"Lena, are you in pain?"

"What? Josh, I'm going to miss the bus." I completely ignored his question, as I got up to leave the classroom. Before I could get to the door, Josh grabbed me by the arm but didn't grip it tightly or pull me back. He just grabbed me, but because of the bruises and soreness it caused excruciating pain.

"Shit Lena, I'm so sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt you." He starts to walk a little closer to me with a look of regret.

"I know Josh, it's not your fault." I say with my head hung low and eyes closed. Our bodies were inches apart, and I wasn't aware of what he was doing until it was too late.

"Lena Renae Hart, what the hell is this shit?" He pulled up the sleeve of my hoodie, and my bruised and scars were on display for him to see. My heart stopped beating and my brain stopped working for a minute, I wasn't sure what to do.

"Hey, hey Lena, it's okay. You are okay, please just breath. I'm sorry for the yelling, just talk to me, Please baby girl, I really need you to talk to me." He pleaded with me.

"Okay Josh, I'll tell you, but I need you to promise me you can keep this to your self. I mean, nothing good will come from you telling anyone, and I know you're going to want to tell authorities, but I need you not to. My life and Dylan's life depends on it, okay?"

"Lena you're scaring me, just tell me so I can help you and Dylan."

"Josh promise me now or I can't talk to you about this." I repeated myself.

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