McKinley High ...Welcome Back

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Josh POV

What the h*** was I thinking, why would I do this to myself. You see today is the 1st day of school at McKinley High making it my 1st day as a teacher. Only problem is  It's not my 1st day at all I just haven't been here since I was a student 14 years ago. The end of my freshman year after Sophia, now being back in these halls which haven't changed much all I can see is Sophia. I found my way to the principal's office Mr. Montgomery wasn't the principal when I was around but he was the  Assistant principal. "Good morning I'm here to see Mr. Montgomery I'm the new history teacher." "Oh right this way he's expecting you." I follow the receptionists down the Hall and into a Room, "hello Joshua Ashton am I glad to see you" he says " I just want to thank you for the opportunity" "oh nonsense you know as well as anyone this place is no walk in the park but McKinley high is lucky to have you. Your mother and I kept in touch over the years nothing serious just wanted see how you were holding up after everything you went through all those years ago." " Mr. M I had no idea I don't know what to say ." no need to say anything I looked over your credentials you are qualified for this job. Anyway  if you need anything you know where to find me. The history hall is now on the 2nd floor your Room is 310 there are 2 other history teachers each of you have a different grade level each semester and a class of freshmen you got stuck with the juniors.

three months later

Work, work, work that's all I have been doing, not complaining though it's the best! I enjoy all of my classes and my students. The juniors are a bit more to handle, but that's to be expected. It's Sunday night, and I'm here in my home office which is actually just my spare bedroom, but since I live alone I turned it into my office. It consists of a desk with my computer, a filing cabinet, a sofa that pulls out into a bed, and a flat screen mounted on the wall. Currently I have it playing random music while I grade papers from last Friday's test. I received an email from Mr. M, informing me a student from Mr. Anderson's freshman class will now be in my home room and third period class starting tomorrow. She's being transferred to an all-junior schedule. The student is a 14 year old female; her name is Lena-Renae Castle. My anxiety rose as I read the first name. I have never heard that name except once many years ago. No way this is her?! She was adopted by a nice family from California. Sophia put myself, well my family, in charge of her baby girl. If anything were to happen to her, my mother had a few families lined up to be interviewed a week before the little girl was born. I selected the family just as my best friend wished. The Madison's, so this couldn't possibly be the same Lena. I took a deep breath and relaxed; I gathered up her materials she would need for class. I took an assessment out for her so I can see how much she already knows and for my personal knowledge on the type of student she is; if she's the kind to goof off or the more serious type. After another 45 minutes I finish with my original task which was grading papers. It's now 9 pm and I'm off to shower, before I knew it my head is on my pillow and I drift to sleep.

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