The News [ Susie's replacement ]

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Kind of how I imagine Sammy breaking the news that Susie would no longer be voicing Alice the Angel.

- Susie Campbell's POV -
I made my way down the hall and went into my office-ish-thing and set down a pile of notes of ideas for Alice. We're really going places! She just feels a part of me now. Though something felt a bit off today. Probably the New York weather getting to me. I gathered up song music sheets and walked to the recording booth. Only to be greeted by Sammy and..Allison?!

- Nobody's POV (Third person) -
Susie was just in a state of shock.
"Susie?" Sammy looked up, many employees of the music department had gathered to see how Susie would react to the replacement. They'd figured they get Sammy to break it to her due to their 'relationship'. Allison knew Susie would murder her if she could.  Sammy quickly walked up to Susie- his expression was somewhat a mixture of blank, sorrow and apologetic? At least he was showing eMoTiOnS.  Allison was still in the recording booth, kind of bewildered.
"But I am perfect for her...I am Alice?" Susie croaked, she felt like Wally's wrench had just been impaled into her throat.
"Susie, it'll be better for the studio, alright?" Sammy's voice didn't seem to have much emotion in there. Just-  b l a n k.
"I-..." Her voice trailed off, she slapped Sammy and stormed off back to her 'office-thingie'.

- Sammy's POV -

- Wally's POV - 
I saw Miss Campbell storm down the hallway, all teary-eyed. What the hell happened?
"Miss Campbell? Miss Campbell?" I called out and kind of skidaddled after her.
"This isn't any of your concern, Wally!" She growled and slammed the door.
"Your actin' like Sammy, do ya need anything?" I was genuinely concerned for once. For as long as I've known Miss Campbell...She's never been like this.

- Nobody's POV (Third Person) -
"Just leave me be!" She replied, clearly on the verge of tears.
"Alrighty Miss Campbell. I'm outta here!" Wally walked off to go see what had happened- literally anything to skip some work! Susie began recording a tape...

"Harsh way to break to news Sammy." Jack walked over to a pretty irritated music director. Allison had just watched the chaos unfold and was pretty confused- she hadn't just messed up a relationship, had she? Yes, she probably had.
"Did I have a choice?" Sammy grumbled, lighting a cigar.
"What the 'ell happened?" Wally leaned on the doorframe- his natural habitat.
"You don't know? Susie won't be voicing Alice the Angel no more." Some random employee piped up. Rumors spread to why would they even bother to replace Susie? W e l l.

Sammy got slapped. :))))

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