Dean x Reader

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It felt like eternity since Sam had locked you out of the motel room, even though it had barley been an hour. The first half you were screaming and banging on the door, begging Sam to let you in. However, once blood started to flow down your knuckles and your voice had gone horse you stopped. Instead you started to pace back and forth.

How could Dean have been such an idjit! He should have known better than to jump in front of you! He should have known by now that you can take care of yourself. Being the daughter of Bobby Singer did have its advantages. The thing is that even though Dean was fully aware of who your father was and that he had trained you himself in the ways of being a hunter, he still had this need to protect you.

For as long as you could remember, you and Dean had been best friends. Both your mothers had been killed by demons when you were young. He was an older brother and you were an only child. His father, John, trained him like they were in the military. While your father did train you in the ways of being a hunter but Bobby still tried to give you a normal life. Having grown up together the two of you are very close. Bobby and John use to call you the Hunter Twin.

A few years ago, things started to change between you. Usually when you looked into his green eyes you would see your childhood best friend, then all of a sudden you started to see more then just friend ship. Being to scared to lose him as a friend and even though it had been nearly six years since you realised your true feeling towards him, you had never told him. This only meant that the longer you had to wait to see if Dean was okay the more your heart broke. Right now the only feeling you were feeling was panic and distress.

During your last hunt, Dean had once again pushed you out of the way, just before the werewolf could attack you, taking the claws right across his chest. You knew Sam was doing his best to patch up his brother but that didn't stop you from worrying. With a sigh you walkover and slid up onto the hood of the Impala and bring your legs up to your chest. From the beginning you have always loved this car. When Dean first told you that his Dad had given him the car, you were almost as overjoyed as he was. So with him feeling so far away, his baby was making you feel a little better . . . but not a lot.

"He's going to be fine, (name). This is Dean after all," you mumble to yourself, trying to calm your aching heart.

Just then, the door to the boy's motel room opened. Your heart drops slightly to see Sam standing in the doorway, sweat on his brow. Quickly sliding off the hood, you rush over to him. "How is he?"

A smiled crossed the young Winchester's face. "He'll be just fine. The werewolf just missed anything vital. But he will have a nice scar to add to the pile," he explains as he leans against the frame.

"Thank God! Dean scared the crap out of me," you sigh in relief.

Sam laughs. " He does have a bad habit of doing that doesn't he."

You couldn't help but laugh as well. Joy washing over you at the thought that Dean was okay. Suddenly a blush crossed your face as Sam took notice of your joy. Even though Sam was almost 4 years younger then you, he towered over you. So when he smiled down at you with that smile that only ever meant he knew something secretive, you couldn't help but feel embarrassed. You knew Sam had known about your true feelings for his brother before you knew yourself. He had never told you himself that he knew, but from the way he looked from you and Dean or not so subtly would leave the room, you had kind of put two and two together.

"So . . . Can I go see him?" you ask quietly, dropping your gaze from his. The more embarrassed then ever, you start to shift from one foot to the other.

Sam stepped aside, allowing you room to go in. "Of course. That's why the door is open," he smirks waving his hand in the doorway.

The blush darkening on your face, you slowly make your way into the room, ignoring Sam's eye roll as you did.

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