Well hello there

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As we walked down the street we got some weird looks, well they weren't weird they were just terrified. Once we got to the Forrest elijah shifted and to say he was big was one thing he was almost the same size as me and he was the same pearl white but he had silver instead of gold streaks. Then when we finally looked into his eyes my wolf Siena and she shouted mate mate mate at me and as I looked back at him he had the same loving expression as me and I knew that I was loved. But then I heard a voice in side of my head come to my house we need to talk I looked back and nodded let's go as we ran I felt the presence of a wolf pack line that only I can feel. it strait away told me that it was elijah's pack so I wasn't worried, until he stopped and went and shifted and said to me with a expressionless face "stay close I don't know how they will react but please stay calm" just as he said that a group of men walked towards us and stopped "well hello hybrid" he said to Elijah wait what hybrid, he's a hybrid as I looked at him he sent me a apologetic smile. "and what do we have here" the lead man said "she is a friend of yours squirt" that irritated me who dares calls my mate a squirt and with that I sent out a low warning growl, which earned me a few surprised looks "oh a mate for the little hybrid bet she is as weak as you" and with that I walked along elijah's side growling and let my wings grow to half there length, Elijah looked at me and mouthed thanks. "aww looks at the two hybrid scums all loved up" as he said that I gave him a death glare and ran into the woods and shifted but still left my wings out for show. As I walked back into the clearing I gained a few lust filled glances and also some shocked ones but still the leader was not impressed "is that all you can do, boring" some of his company looked at him almost unbelievably. so I desided to go and stand next to my mate and speak for my self "wow your ego is bigger than me and I'm pretty big for a wolf" I heard a few giggles from his group and from Elijah but still he looked unimpressed so I let my wings grow so that they were dragging along the floor and also changed them to the colour, royal blue and then let them turn to ice for effect. "Well then isn't this a show. squirt gained himself a rather beautiful mate, I may have to take her" I heard a loud viscous growl and Elijah shifted and I let my wings set on fire and that gained us a very respected glance "wow so the runt is actually not a hybrid but his mate I defiantly one, lets show them what we are made of boys"

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