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My first day had been going pretty well so far. Jin had spent most of the morning showing me around the storage rooms, making sure I knew where all of the inventory was. It was a larger store than the one I had been in previously, so there were a lot of products I was unfamiliar with.

He was such a sweet person, and had the most gentle, genuine smile. His eyes were so soft, and I always felt at ease with him.

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"Thanks for all your help today, Jin. I really appreciate all your time today. Again, I can't stress enough what a relief it is that you're here. I was nervous about meeting new people today..." I smiled, handing him my Employee Transfer paperwork to turn into the main office.

As I turned around to face the counter again, I abruptly found myself face to face with the mysterious man in black from earlier. He had stepped up to the counter and was now staring directly into my eyes. I casually rested one of my hands on the counter and reached up with the other to awkwardly sweep a few stray hairs off my forehead.

Unlike earlier, I was able to see his beautiful features up close this time - long, dark eyelashes casting the faintest shadow over his smoldering eyes, silky black hair hanging haphazardly down over his brow. I saw the corner of his mouth slightly twitch upwards, into almost a little smirk, his eyebrows lowering and sharpening his gaze.

Breathless, I searched for something, anything, to say. Thankfully Jin broke the awkward silence.

"Jesus, Yoongi. You look like you've found lunch. You could at least say hello before eating her alive." Jin said, chuckling as he stepped forward and pat the man on his upper arm. "Faye, this is Min Yoongi, virtuoso."

"Virtuoso, huh?" I let out a sly smile along with my playful tone.

"What he means to say is that I play the piano." Yoongi said, slightly rolling his eyes, but still keeping eye contact with me. "I see you play the piano as well...", he started as he gently took both of my wrists and turned them palms-up. He took both of his thumbs and traced them across the tattoos I had on my inner wrists - a treble clef on my right hand and a bass clef on my left.

"All the years I've worked around musicians and you're the first person to pick up on that just by looking at my tattoos. You're very perceptive, Min Yoongi, virtuoso." I said, smiling up at him through my lashes. I could feel my face flush a little before I finally turned back to Jin, simultaneously removing my hands from Yoongi's light grasp.

Who just grabs someone's wrists like that? He's awfully touchy for just having met me.

I heard Jin clear his throat before saying, "Alright, alright, you can finish this introduction later at rehearsal. We need to get to lunch before we run out of time. The kids will start arriving soon for lessons."

"You're in the ensemble, too?" I asked, turning back towards Yoongi. It appeared that he still hadn't taken his eyes off me. Jin stepped in to answer the question, even though I had directed it at Yoongi.

"There are seven of us. All of us either work at this store or teach lessons here. It's a great group. Great way for you to meet everyone." Jin explained, stepping forward to turn off the register monitors before we clocked out for lunch.

Seven of them. I haven't played in an ensemble for a long time. I hope I can impress all seven of them. How embarrassing it would be if I had to face them all after messing something up.

"Don't get into your head too much, kiddo." I could hear Jane's voice in my head. She always said this to me when I would sit with her between lessons as she worked on her current crochet project. I had to remember to call her after my first day to tell her how it went. She was excited for me, but I'm sure she was also worried.

On my way home from work that afternoon, I called Jane.

"Oh, my Jane. How I miss you so." I started, feeling a few tears welling up.

"Don't you cry now, kiddo. It's just a move. You will find new friends anywhere you go. This is just another chapter in your book and I'm enjoying the story. So tell me, who did you meet today?" it was as if she knew. She always knew. She knew when I was ready to break up with my last boyfriend. She knew how to get that pesky stain out of my clothes after I tried to do my own oil change. No matter what it was, Jane always had the answers. And Jane always knew something was up before I could even tell her.

"I was invited to sing with a jazz ensemble tonight. A bunch of co-workers and teachers. They seem very nice." I started, already feeling a bit of relief speaking to Jane like this.

"That's wonderful! See? I told you that you would find new opportunities around new people. This is going to be a blessing for you, Faye. I can feel it." Jane's sweet words felt like a hug.

"Thanks, Janey. I can feel it too. I am grateful for you."

"Good luck tonight, kiddo."

I spent the next few hours debating over what to wear, simultaneously singing along to the instrumental track of At Last that I had on loop in my bedroom.

"My heart was wrapped up in clover...

The night I looked at you..."

I sang as I fastened the last button on my black silk blouse and stepped back to look myself over in the mirror. I had chosen a nice pair of slim fit dark gray pants and black velvet pumps, and I looked professional and sleek. Exactly what I was going for. I ran a brush through my long, wavy brown hair and sipped the last of my Throat Coat tea.

I took a deep breath, stood up tall and smiled at myself in the mirror.


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