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I was reaching into my entryway closet to grab my jacket when I saw Jin's headlights trail across the wall as he pulled into my driveway. I grabbed my things and quickly headed outside.

As I opened the passenger-side door to the white SUV, I noticed another guy sitting in the back seat. He was slouching, his shaggy, thick waves hanging over his eyes. He lazily raised one hand to wave and flashed a big, boxy smile. I could barely see his eyes through his hair, but could feel the warmth of his personality radiating from him.

"Hello!" I smiled and waved to the guy in the back as I got into the front seat next to Jin. "I'm Faye."

"Taehyung. Nice to meet you, Faye. So I hear you're going to do some Etta for us tonight." he sounded like he'd been looking forward to rehearsal. I turned in my seat to face them both and took a big breath. I noticed how unbothered Taehyung looked. He almost looked like he'd just rolled out of bed. 

"I'm honestly a bit nervous about it

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"I'm honestly a bit nervous about it. I hope no one judges too harshly. This is all new territory for me." I reached up and twirled my fingers in my hair, feeling a bit claustrophobic from my nerves all of a sudden.

"Hey, it's not like that at all. You'll like everyone. We're like a big family." Taehyung had a comforting personality, making me feel like I already knew him.

We pulled up to a large, old farmhouse overlooking a snow-covered cornfield. Not what I was expecting when Jin said it would be Yoongi's house we would be practicing in. I couldn't tell you what I had pictured, but it certainly wasn't this.

As we walked in through the oversized, ornately carved wooden front door, I saw the open door to a large practice space off to my right. It looked like it was once a dining room, but now served as a studio, full of equipment. The walls were painted navy blue, with both windows covered by thick navy blue curtains draped from ceiling to floor. The room seemed haphazardly thrown together, with stacks of amps lining one side of the room. There was a drumset that had seen some better days sitting on an unfinished plywood riser against the back wall. As I followed Jin and Taehyung into the room, I noticed Yoongi standing over a stack of sheet music on a music stand, talking to another musician standing next to him. He was yet another strikingly handsome guy, this time wearing a dark blue tee and some jeans. 

I heard the familiar sound of buzzing as a tall, caramel-skinned guy with a perfectly angular jaw walked into the room, his silver trumpet tucked under his arm. He was buzzing his detached mouthpiece to warm up his lips. He walked over to his music stand and placed his trumpet on its floor stand.

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