Yandere Patrick x reader

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You sucked in another breath of air trying to keep your breathing even. Deep down you knew he wouldn't actually hurt you but the idea definitely excited you. No he would never hurt his precious little love even if he ever did he would never forgive himself.

However that didn't mean that you were free of consequences. He did have to remind you who you belonged to every now and then. Your hands were restrained above your head with a pair of handcuffs attached to the headboard. The sheets felt warm as they clung to your sweaty form.

You felt hazy like you were looking through a fog. Your thoughts raced a mile a minute. But every time he would speak to you in that voice. Every time he would touch you. That intense sense of euphoria would wash over you again.

It made it hard to think it made it hard to speak. You were so strung out at this point even partially registering what was happening became too much. Your senses had gotten numb from bliss. And he knew it He knew every little effect he had on you. To say that he  loved it would have to be an understatement by a long shot.

You snapped back to reality attention focused on him once again when he spoke. "How are you holding up love" his voice god his voice It was gruff and a bit gravelly. Patrick's hair was all over the place. And although he was the one in control he looked just as disheveled as you.

Your eyes met his. The red swirling around with Michael's natural colored eyes make you shrink in on yourself. Feeling slightly intimidated. "I-" You attempted to speak but your voice quivered when he touched you.

His hands were smooth and were touching you with just the right amount of pressure. Running his hands over your shoulders to your breasts and hips. Taking his time to feel your soft skin. He brought them down to your inner thighs making your breath hitch.

You caught his gaze once more and saw a small glint in his eyes. He smiled down at you and you could see his sharp canines. "What was that love I couldn't quite hear you" he teased. You whined and struggled against the handcuffs.

He chuckled at your attempt to move away from him. You knew that Patrick could be quiet possessive and obsessive all at the same time over you. But never did you think he would go to this length. Then again you weren't entirely complaining.

Earlier you had been out at the mailbox checking the mail. One of Michael's neighbors noticed and decided to make his presence known to you. He was being pretty friendly and he seemed genuinely nice. He would occasionally compliment you and flirt with you a little bit.

You didn't exactly mind too much and continued to chat with him. But Patrick did and he heard everything. He wasn't exactly happy to hear everything that was being said towards you. He considered himself your protector and more.

How could someone like him have the audacity to talk to his precious angel. This man should have been happy to even breath the same air as you but to compliment you like that Oh no. Patrick had made it very clear that he didn't care about you having friends as long as they didn't flirt with you.

Which is why you stuck to hanging around other entities like Habit, Firebrand or Observer. Although Patrick didn't really like whenever you hung around Observer saying that the shadow entity gave off bad vibes.

As you continued talking to your neighbor though things kind of progressed into him asking you out. You politely decline although a little bit timidly. And that's when things went south. Patrick felt his blood boiling in rage. If looks could kill Oh boy this man would be dead Where he stood.

That led to the whole predicament you were in right now. Your body felt so tired and weak. But Patrick wasn't showing any mercy Oh no he was done. He was so tired of other people trying to take you from him. The idea of you with anybody else made his blood boil even more. And he could feel his possessiveness over you worsen.

And while you loved him and Michael unconditionally sometimes it was a bit much. Your body practically ached from the Overstimulation. And you didn't know if you could handle anymore. The raw pleasure that was constantly coursing through you. Courtesy of the entity currently positioned above you.

He brush the tip of his erect dick through your slick folds. You moaned once again trying your hardest to calm your breathing. Patrick began to run his hands over your body again. "So soft and warm all for me" You felt your eyes roll to the back of your head as he started to slip his length inside of you. He leaned down and kissed your lips. "Your lips are so soft love I could kiss them all day" he murmured without pulling away from you. He nipped at your bottom lip making a gasp escape your mouth.

"All the sounds that you make are so fucking cute God it's like music to my ears" He finished slipping the rest of his cock inside of you resting for a moment. "Patrick I can't- take anymore... Please"
He didn't respond and instead adjusted himself inside of you.

"You're doing so good for me love come on just one more" He didn't give you a chance to respond though and started to thrust once more. He started off slow enjoying the way you felt reveling in the pleasure. He let out quiet groans and small quiet moans. You on the other hand a total mess.

Already being so overstimulated and oversensitive you couldn't keep quiet even if you wanted to. You were already feeling your eyes roll back in your head.
As your body started its way towards God knows how many orgasm.

He was taking his time and thrusting so that you could feel everything. Every little movement he would make. He started to kiss your neck and shoulders again leaving even more bruises in his wake.

"You feel so nice love God you're incredible I love you My sweet little angel" his moans becoming louder and more gravelly. "I love you so much you know that so fucking much You're my everything angel" his thrusting picked up speed as he started to hit those special spots inside of you.

"Pa-Atrick Please it's too much I don't know if I can handle another one" You begged him both of you knowing deep down that you didn't really want him to stop. "Cum for me love Just one more time I know you've got it in you"

He hit your g spot dead on causing you to cum and the both of you screamed in unison as the relief washed over the both of you. You felt him spill inside of you further claiming you as his. Your nails raked down his back so hard You were sure you left marks. The both of you were breathing so hard and You laid there clinging to each other. The both of you tried to catch your breaths.

You felt him pull out of you and stand up as he walked away. Coming back a few minutes later with a wet rag and wiping your down. Murmuring even more praises to you. The last thing you felt was him snuggling against you as he pulled the covers over the both of you. "Goodnight love Sweet dreams" Patrick kissed your forehead right before you passed out from exhaustion.

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