Evan x reader

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You sat there on your bed curled up in your blankets crying your heart out. It had been a tough day, you were in the middle of a depressive episode and you felt like shit. You buried your face further into your pillows as you continued to cry...

Evan twisted the doorknob and stepped into the quiet house. Normally you would be right in his arms running to greet him but this time was different. The house was eerily quiet and Dark as there were no lights on. He carefully reached along the wall to find the light switch. He called out to you but got no response, just silence.

He took note that the house was a bit messy too. He walked in and shut the door, kicking off his shoes in the process as well. He called for you once more but still got no response. He walks towards your shared room where he finds you curled up in the covers crying. He called your name and you stopped crying for a second, before crying harder.

Evan carefully walked over to the bed and sat down next to you. "What's wrong hun?" Evan questioned. He lifted the covers and slid under them with you. He cradled you in his arms and brought you to his chest rubbing your back. "Hey honey tell me what's wrong" you clung to him crying even harder. "I don't want to talk about it" you sniffled. Evan nodded and continued to rub your back. "Well I'm right here when you want to talk about it, ok hun" you nodded and cuddled closer to him.

Eventually you fell asleep to Evan rubbing your back and telling you that he loves you. because he did and he would always be there for you

i know this one is short but I have been busy getting ready to move into a new house 

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