Sean x reader

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You landed a punch to his jaw, knocking his mask off. He stood quickly, ready to defend himself. He charged at you and swung, you dodged and landed an uppercut to his jaw. He stumbled back in surprise. You dropped to the ground and kicked his legs out from under him, you crawled on top of him ready to strangle him.  "That really hurt you know" Sean mused. "Good it was supposed to" you growled at him. He you crawled on top of him he flipped the both of you over, so that you were on your back. "I get that it was supposed to hurt but come on that was a bit mean" he purred. "MEAN dude you're literally a cult leader" he laughed and pinned you to the ground, "but on the bright side your punches are getting better" you blushed and kneed him in the groin, he rolled off of you in pain. You took this opportunity to stand and compose yourself. Sean stood up too groaning in pain. You charged at him unsheathing your knife, shoving him against the wall. "Well you've caught me now what" he questioned with a smirk. You stood there with the knife still on his throat. You didn't want to kill him but you knew you probably should. "I have a proposal for you," Sean announced. "If you go on a date with me i'll get out of your hair" you clenched the knife a little tighter, "and why would I do that" you spat. He smiled at you.

"You clearly like me so why not" you thought about it for a moment and lowered your knife a little. "And if I do you PROMISE to leave me alone more often. "Yes" he stated aloud, smiling. You sighed and put your knife away. Sean quickly leaned in and placed a kiss on your lips. You pushed him away and spat on the ground. "See ya (y/n)" he quickly exited your house skipping out the door in a giddy manner. Well you thought to yourself that was...interesting. But somehow you were kind of looking forward to that date. 

Sorry this was so short i ran out of ideas and I am going through a bit of  writers block. but I  hope you all enjoyed this chapter. 

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